




I've been stumped on an issue I've run across in the last few days now and would like some help figuring it out.


I'm developing a WPF application that on its first run will prompt the user to manually assign detected serial ports to arbitrary 'channels', used throughout the application and later interface for displaying data etc.


One of the key features is once a port has been assigned in a combo box, it is then no longer available for selection in the others (using the .IsEnabled Property of the ComboBoxItem Class).


The issue I've run into is that while initially everything works fine - each combo box is set, opening the next sees the previous selection greyed out - if I attempt to go back to a combo box I've previously set it displays an empty drop down. It looks as if the drop-down is still active but that the window that contains the items hasn't been sized properly.



Here's my XAML code for the combo boxes:

<StackPanel Grid.Column="1" Name="ComboPanel" Margin="5, 20, 5, 5">
            <ComboBox Margin="0, 5, 0, 0" Width="100" Height="25" Name="cboxChannel0"  IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="false" ItemsSource="{Binding portCollectionItems, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedIndex="0" DropDownOpened="CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened" DropDownClosed="CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed" />
            <ComboBox Margin="0, 5, 0, 0" Width="100" Height="25" Name="cboxChannel1"  IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="false" ItemsSource="{Binding portCollectionItems, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedIndex="0" DropDownOpened="CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened" DropDownClosed="CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed" />
            <ComboBox Margin="0, 5, 0, 0" Width="100" Height="25" Name="cboxChannel2"  IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="false" ItemsSource="{Binding portCollectionItems, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedIndex="0" DropDownOpened="CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened" DropDownClosed="CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed" />
            <ComboBox Margin="0, 5, 0, 0" Width="100" Height="25" Name="cboxChannel3"  IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="false" ItemsSource="{Binding portCollectionItems, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedIndex="0" DropDownOpened="CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened" DropDownClosed="CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed" />
            <ComboBox Margin="0, 5, 0, 0" Width="100" Height="25" Name="cboxChannel4"  IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="false" ItemsSource="{Binding portCollectionItems, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedIndex="0" DropDownOpened="CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened" DropDownClosed="CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed" />
            <ComboBox Margin="0, 5, 0, 0" Width="100" Height="25" Name="cboxChannel5"  IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="false" ItemsSource="{Binding portCollectionItems, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedIndex="0" DropDownOpened="CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened" DropDownClosed="CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed" />
            <ComboBox Margin="0, 5, 0, 0" Width="100" Height="25" Name="cboxChannel6"  IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="false" ItemsSource="{Binding portCollectionItems, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedIndex="0" DropDownOpened="CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened" DropDownClosed="CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed" />
            <ComboBox Margin="0, 5, 0, 0" Width="100" Height="25" Name="cboxChannel7"  IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="false" ItemsSource="{Binding portCollectionItems, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedIndex="0" DropDownOpened="CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened" DropDownClosed="CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed" />
            <ComboBox Margin="0, 5, 0, 0" Width="100" Height="25" Name="cboxChannel8"  IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="false" ItemsSource="{Binding portCollectionItems, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedIndex="0" DropDownOpened="CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened" DropDownClosed="CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed" />
            <ComboBox Margin="0, 5, 0, 0" Width="100" Height="25" Name="cboxChannel9"  IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="false" ItemsSource="{Binding portCollectionItems, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedIndex="0" DropDownOpened="CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened" DropDownClosed="CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed" />
            <ComboBox Margin="0, 5, 0, 0" Width="100" Height="25" Name="cboxChannel10" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="false" ItemsSource="{Binding portCollectionItems, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedIndex="0" DropDownOpened="CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened" DropDownClosed="CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed" />
            <ComboBox Margin="0, 5, 0, 0" Width="100" Height="25" Name="cboxChannel11" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="false" ItemsSource="{Binding portCollectionItems, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedIndex="0" DropDownOpened="CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened" DropDownClosed="CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed" />


And here's the behind code snippets relevant to the boxes:

public partial class PortWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem> portCollectionItems { get; set; }
    public ComboBoxItem selectedItem;
    public bool serialPortsSet { get; set; }

    public ComboBoxItem SelectedItem
        get { return selectedItem; }
            if (selectedItem == value)

            selectedItem = value;
    public PortWindow()
        DataContext    = this;
        serialPortsSet = false;
        portCollectionItems = new ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem>();

        for (int i = 0; i < ActiveSerialPorts.DetectedPorts.Count(); i++)
            if (i == 0)
                portCollectionItems.Add(new ComboBoxItem { Content = "<-Select->" });

            portCollectionItems.Add(new ComboBoxItem { Content = ActiveSerialPorts.DetectedPorts[i] }); // Populates collection with a list of serial port names from another class

    void CboxChannel0_DropDownOpened(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ComboBox comboBox     = sender as ComboBox;
        string selectedString = comboBox.SelectionBoxItem as string;
        selectedItem          = comboBox.SelectedItem as ComboBoxItem;

        foreach (ComboBoxItem portItems in portCollectionItems)
            if (portItems.Content == selectedItem.Content)
                portItems.IsEnabled = true; //re-enables the previously disabled selection in case the assigned port needs changing

    void CboxChannel0_DropDownClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ComboBox comboBox = sender as ComboBox;
        selectedItem      = comboBox.SelectedItem as ComboBoxItem;
        string itemString = selectedItem.Content.ToString();

        if (!itemString.Contains("<-Select->"))
            foreach (ComboBoxItem portItems in portCollectionItems)
                if (portItems.Content == selectedItem.Content)
                    portItems.IsEnabled = false; // disables the selected item in the observable collection

    protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));


I'm inclined to believe there's something small but vital I'm missing with regards to the binding. I originally thought it was the altering of a property within a shared collection that was causing the problem, but after supressing all of the code in the handlers and running it the issue persisted.




You're sharing ComboBoxItems among different ComboBoxes. Those are visual elements and you're trying to share them among different parents. I'm not surprised it breaks.

您需要每个ComboBox都有不同的ComboBoxItem实例集合。您可以通过将项目显示为 ObservableCollection< String> 并让每个ComboBox创建自己的ComboBoxItems来实现。以与绑定已有收藏集相同的方式绑定收藏集;我认为声明和填充该集合几乎应该是您需要进行的唯一更改,除非您需要立即禁用 all 框的端口项,而不是只禁用其中的端口项。不过,组合框上的 SelectedItem 将是字符串,而不是`ComboBoxItem,因此这些循环的胆量必须有所改变。

You need each ComboBox to have a distinct collection of ComboBoxItem instances. You can most simply do that by exposing your items as ObservableCollection<String> and letting each ComboBox create its own ComboBoxItems. Bind the collection the same way you're binding the collection you've got; I think that declaring and populating that collection should almost be the only change you need to make, unless you need to disable port items for all boxes at once, rather than just the one they were selected in. Your SelectedItem on the combobox will be the string, though, rather than `ComboBoxItem, so the guts of those loops will have to change a bit.

当您禁用ComboBoxItem时,自然仅对其所属的ComboBox禁用。如果要为所有框禁用 COM4 ,则必须循环执行此操作。

When you disable a ComboBoxItem, it will be disabled only for the ComboBox it belongs to, naturally. If you want COM4 disabled for all boxes, you'll have to do that in a loop.

或者您可以再添加一些MVVM:如果是我,我将在模板化ItemsItem中创建一系列ComboBoxes,绑定到某个类的集合,该类具有SelectedPort属性,我也将为项目使用自定义类,这只是简单的事情,其中​​包含 String PortName bool IsPortEnabled 。我将 IsPortEnabled 绑定到XAML中的 ComboBoxItem.IsEnabled 。代码会少很多,但是从概念上来说,这与您现在的位置相比有了很大的飞跃。如果您有兴趣,我们可以去那里。

Or you could go a little more MVVM: If this were me, I would create the series of ComboBoxes in a templated ItemsControl bound to a collection of some class that had a SelectedPort property, and I would use a custom class for the items as well, just a simple thing with String PortName and bool IsPortEnabled. I'd bind IsPortEnabled to ComboBoxItem.IsEnabled in the XAML. There'd be a lot less code, but it's a big jump conceptually from where you're at now. We can go there if you're interested.


09-03 08:05