ioc和依赖注入之间的区别。在春季解释依赖注入。 b / w JSF依赖项注入和spring依赖项注入有什么区别。
Difference between ioc and dependency injection . explain dependency injection in spring. What is difference b/w JSF dependency injection and spring dependency injection..
IoC means Inversion of Control.
让我们看一些强耦合的代码( MyComponent取决于 Logger):
Let’s see some "strongly coupled code" ("MyComponent" depends on "Logger"):
public class MyComponent
public MyComponent()
public void DoSomeWork()
var logger = new Logger();
We can change it to use an "interface", but someone must provide the "implementation":
public class MyComponent
public MyComponent()
public void DoSomeWork()
ILogger logger = ...; // who’s going to provide this?
Dependency Injection (DI) is a specific implementation of IoC.
//Dependency Injection pattern
public class MyComponent
private ILogger _logger;
public MyComponent(ILogger logger)
_logger = logger;
public void DoSomeWork()
// Use the logger component here
另一种实现是Service Locator。
Another implementation is Service Locator.
//Service Locator pattern
public class MyComponent
public MyComponent()
public void DoSomeWork()
ILogger logger = ServiceLocator.GetService();
马丁·福勒(Martin Fowler)说:服务定位器,应用程序类通过给定位器的消息显式地请求它。对于注入,没有显式请求,该服务将出现在应用程序类中,因此会导致控件反转。
Martin Fowler states: "With service locator the application class asks for it explicitly by a message to the locator. With injection there is no explicit request, the service appears in the application class – hence the inversion of control."
Also : "The choice between Service Locator and Dependency Injection is less important than the principle of separating service configuration from the use of services within an application. "
,由Dino Esposito
ASP.NET MVC: Resolve or Inject? That’s the Issue… by Dino Esposito
a>马丁·福勒(Martin Fowler)
InversionOfControl by Martin Fowler