

本文介绍了Java Pseudocode中附加UML图的解释?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I would like to translate the attached UML to Pseudocode. I have the following class and interface headers below.I would like to know


1) if this is correct?


2) what is the relation between Store and Manager and Store and StoreEmployee?I have Manager and StoreEmployee as private fields in Store. Is this correct?if yes, then why they are not included in attributes


3)What is the relation between store and Store Test ?

4)我有Employee作为接口而PayRoll Record作为具体类?

4) I have Employee as interface while PayRoll Record as concrete class?Is this correct? both have broken line arrow connection?

public interface Employee { }

public class Manager implements Employee{ }

public class StoreEmployee implements Employee{ }

public class SalesAssociate  extends StoreEmployee { }

public class PayrollRecord { } //

public class Store  extends PayrollRecord { } // does it have Manager and StoreEmployee as private fields

public class StoreTest { } //does it have Store as private field



Here are some quick answers that don't fulfil your questions perfectly, while still hopefully point you in the right direction.

  1. 你的扩展与你的组合混合了。再次检查您的UML文档。所以,不,你不正确..但在某些地方也是正确的。 :)

  2. 商店有一个经理(如果没有附加数字,则假定它是1..1关系)。

  3. 看看你在以前的解决方案中如何使用相同的箭头。

  4. 是的,看看箭头。 员工意味着继承,其中 PayRollRecord 只是一般用法箭头。

  1. You have your extends mixed in with your composed of. Check your UML documentation again. So, no you are incorrect.. but also correct in some places. :)
  2. A Store has a single manager (if there is not a number attached, then it is assumed to be a 1..1 relationship).
  3. Look at how you used the same arrow in previous solutions.
  4. Yes, look at the heads of the arrows. The Employee implies inherits from, where the PayRollRecord is just a general usage arrow.

对于这些,以前的答案应该可以帮助您在这里回答您的问题。 :)

For these, the previous answers should help you answer your questions here. :)

public class Store  extends PayrollRecord { } // does it have Manager and StoreEmployee as private fields

public class StoreTest { } //does it have Store as private field

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09-03 07:50