本文介绍了通过Visual BASIC设置Excel cell.value的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我在Excel电子表格中设置单元格值(或fromat或...)时遇到问题,使用类似我的模块中的VB语句: br />
范围(C1)。值= 20



有人能帮帮我吗?我尝试了其他几种方法来改变细胞,比如Range(AtmosProfile)。细胞(1,3).Value = 2 * 5


我是否需要在Visual BASIC模块中声明我允许在电子表格中设置单元格(我的工作表中没有保护)。

我在Microsoft Excel 2000中使用Microsoft Visual BASIC 6.0




Hello all of you,

I have some problem in setting cells values (or fromat or...) in my Excel spreadsheet using a VB statement like within my Module:
Range("C1").Value = 20

I have this in a function. If I am in debug mode and have a breakpoint at this line, I can see when hovering my mouse over "Range("C1").Value" the actual value in that cell (in my case 30), but when I want to step to the next statement, the VB programs ends (due to some error?).
The cell value is not changed to 20.

Can someone help me? I tried several other methods to change cells, like Range(AtmosProfile).Cells(1, 3).Value = 2 * 5
but also this does not work...

Do I need to declare in my Visual BASIC module that I allow the setting of cells in the spreadsheet (I don''t have protection on in my worksheet).

I am using Microsoft Visual BASIC 6.0 within Microsoft Excel 2000

Thanks for the help.

All the best,



hi -

也许你可以省略关键字VALUE 。见下文

hi -

Maybe you can omit the keyword VALUE. See below

展开 | 选择 | Wrap | 行号

展开 | 选择 | Wrap | 行号

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09-03 07:46