




I just want to get a few pointers on the best way to architect my first Core Data app, and the main objects and interactions I will require.


The data is stored remotely and I will need to access it via HTTP and it will respond in JSON format. I want to cache this on the device using Core Data. Each day there will be new data on the server, so I need to access this and update the Model accordingly.


Are there any SDK classes I can use to help me with this, or am I going to hand roll it?

我想我在寻找一个模式控制器,我打电话来获取数据,它将返回核心数据缓存的数据,也许让一个后台调用Web服务来获取最新数据太多,然后通知认为,有新的数据。当我从JSON格式的Web服务的数据 - 我需要将此映射到一个ManagedObjects添加到我的核心数据上下文

I guess I'm looking at a Model Controller that I call to get the data, it will return the core data cached data and maybe make a background call to the web service to get latest data too and then notify the view that there is new data. When I get the data from web service in JSON format - i will need to map this to ManagedObjects an add to my core data context.


感谢dtuckernet,这里是什么我没做 - 收集来自许多来源,我相信这是最好的解决办法的信息。任何人随意批评(建设性)......

Thanks dtuckernet, here is what I did do - gathering info from lots of sources, which I believe is the best solution. Anyone feel free to criticise (constructively)....

  1. 我有我的CoreDataStack.h核心数据堆栈(单) - 不完全是必要的,但unclutters我的应用程序委托类

  2. 我有一个基地CoreDataBackedTableViewController:的UITableViewController
  3. 我的每一个表视图屏幕扩展CoreDataBackedTableViewController并有伊娃到ModelController类。

  4. 一个例子ModelController类有一个 - (NSFetchedResultsController *)的getData方法,构造NSFetchedResultsController(也养了裁判的话),并返回到视图控制器也将其存储在CoreDataBackedTableViewController(侦听更新和编辑的数据)。具有ModelController类允许我概括了我的数据访问可能有2个不同的视图控制器使用它(iPhone和iPad也许)

  5. 在的getData - 我做异步到我的后端web服务的调用。使用委托回调

  6. 后端使用SBJSON解析和NSHttpConnection和手卷HTTPService类。

  7. 当数据后端的回报,它调用哪些更新核心数据上ModelController委托 - 我fetchedResultsController知道这一点,并自动更新我的界面!如何冷静是该位 - 不是有很多涉及我的部分努力。我要做我是否已经下载的数据之前,还是不以避免重复一些检测。

  8. 准备滚了这一点,以我的应用程序的其余部分....


If anyone wants any clarification on any of the steps, just let me know.


09-03 07:09