I'm trying to understand what a C program (a binary bomb) does using only its object file. I have jmp command in the middle of a function that doesn't seem to lead anywhere:
8048c4b: cmp $0x1,%eax
8048c4e: jg 8048c55 <phase_3+0x31>
8048c50: call 804937c <explode_bomb>
31:8048c55: cmpl $0x7,0x18(%esp)
8048c5a: ja 8048cc2 <phase_3+0x9e>
8048c5c: mov 0x18(%esp),%eax
8048c60: jmp *0x804a4bc(,%eax,4) //here is the weird jmp
8048c67: mov $0x0,%eax
8048c6c: jmp 8048c73 <phase_3+0x4f>
8048c6e: mov $0x1a1,%eax
4f:8048c73: sub $0x19b,%eax
8048c78: jmp 8048c7f <phase_3+0x5b>
Meanwhile the highest address in the disassembly is 0x804a315. Does anyone know what this could be? The function takes 2 user-input numbers, if they are the right ones, a phase of the bomb gets defused.
这是通过一个跳表间接跳转(注意前导 *
That's an indirect jump through a jump table (notice the leading *
). The jump table just holds some addresses, it's not in a code section, you can't disassemble it. You can however look at its contents.