


Just to see how it performs, I wrote a very short asm.js module by hand, which simulates the 2D wave equation using 32-bit integer math and typed arrays (Int32Array). I have three versions of it, all as similar as possible:

  1. 普通的(即清晰易懂的C语言样式)JavaScript
  2. 与1相同,根据Firefox和其他工具,添加了asm.js批注,以便它通过验证器
  3. 与2相同,除了没有"use asm";顶部的指令

我在 http://jsfiddle.net/jtiscione/xj0x0qk3/上留下了一个演示,您可以在该模块之间切换看看使用每一个的效果.这三个都可以工作,但是速度不同.这是热点(带有asm.js注释):

I left a demo at http://jsfiddle.net/jtiscione/xj0x0qk3/ which lets you switch between modules to see the effects of using each one. All three work, but at different speeds. This is the hotspot (with asm.js annotations):

for (i = 0; ~~i < ~~h; i = (1 + i)|0) {
    for (j = 0; ~~j < ~~w; j = (1 + j)|0) {
        if (~~i == 0) {
            index = (1 + index) | 0;
        if (~~(i + 1) == ~~h) {
            index = (1 + index) | 0;
        if (~~j == 0) {
            index = (1 + index) | 0;
        if (~~(j + 1) == ~~w) {
            index = (1 + index) | 0;
        uCen = signedHeap  [((u0_offset + index) << 2) >> 2] | 0;
        uNorth = signedHeap[((u0_offset + index - w) << 2) >> 2] | 0;
        uSouth = signedHeap[((u0_offset + index + w) << 2) >> 2] | 0;
        uWest = signedHeap [((u0_offset + index - 1) << 2) >> 2] | 0;
        uEast = signedHeap [((u0_offset + index + 1) << 2) >> 2] | 0;
        uxx = (((uWest + uEast) >> 1) - uCen) | 0;
        uyy = (((uNorth + uSouth) >> 1) - uCen) | 0;
        vel = signedHeap[((vel_offset + index) << 2) >> 2] | 0;
        vel = vel + (uxx >> 1) | 0;
        vel = applyCap(vel) | 0;
        vel = vel + (uyy >> 1) | 0;
        vel = applyCap(vel) | 0;
        force = signedHeap[((force_offset + index) << 2) >> 2] | 0;
        signedHeap[((u1_offset + index) << 2) >> 2] = applyCap(((applyCap((uCen + vel) | 0) | 0) + force) | 0) | 0;
        force = force - (force >> forceDampingBitShift) | 0;
        signedHeap[((force_offset + index) << 2) >> 2] = force;
        vel = vel - (vel >> velocityDampingBitShift) | 0;
        signedHeap[((vel_offset + index) << 2) >> 2] = vel;
        index = (index + 1)|0;

普通JavaScript"版本的结构如上所述,但没有asm.js要求的按位运算符(例如"x | 0","~~ x","arr [(x<< 2)>>2]"等)

The "ordinary JavaScript" version is structured as above, but without the bitwise operators that asm.js requires (e.g. "x|0", "~~x", "arr[(x<<2)>>2]", etc.)


These are the results for all three modules on my machine, using Firefox (Developer Edition v. 41) and Chrome (version 44), in milliseconds per iteration:

  • FIREFOX(版本41):20 ms,35 ms,60 ms.
  • CHROME(版本44):25 ms,150 ms,75 ms.

因此,普通的JavaScript在两种浏览器中都可以胜出.所需的asm.js批注的存在都会使性能降低3倍.此外,还存在"use asm";指令具有明显的效果-它对Firefox有所帮助,并使Chrome屈服!

So ordinary JavaScript wins in both browsers. The presence of asm.js-required annotations deteriorates performance by a factor of 3 in both. Furthermore, the presence of the "use asm"; directive has an obvious effect- it helps Firefox a bit, and brings Chrome to its knees!


It seems strange that merely adding bitwise operators should introduce a threefold performance degradation that can't be overcome by telling the browser to use asm.js. Also, why does telling the browser to use asm.js only help marginally in Firefox, and completely backfire in Chrome?



Actually asm.js has not been created to write code by hand but only as result of a compilation from other languages. As far as I know there are no tools that validate the asm.js code.Have you tried to write the code in C lang and use Emscripten to generate the asm.js code? I strongly suspect that the result would be quite different and optimized for asm.js.

我认为混合类型化和非类型化var只会增加复杂性而没有任何好处.相反,"asm.js"代码更复杂:我尝试解析 jointjs.com上的asm.js和普通函数./demos/javascript-ast ,结果为:

I think that mixing typed and untyped vars you only add complexity without any benefits. On the contrary the "asm.js" code is more complex: I tried to parse the asm.js and the plain functions on jointjs.com/demos/javascript-ast and the results are:

  • 普通js函数具有137个节点和746个令牌
  • asm.js函数具有235个节点和1252个令牌


I would say that if you have more instructions to execute in each loop it easily will be slower.


09-03 06:47