



字符串1 - 你好,你
字符串2 - OLO (包括空格字符)

I have a two strings:
string1 - hello how are you,
String2 - olo (including space character)

输出:罗浩(HEL 罗浩 w为你)

Output: lo ho ( hello how are you )

罗浩是包含字符串2中的所有字符的唯一字符串。任何人都可以请提出一个很好的算法,这(我能想到的唯一的OG蛮力算法中 - 为O(n ^ 2)

lo ho is the only substring that contain all characters of string2.Can anyone please suggest a good algorithm for this ( i can think og only Brute Force algo - O(n^2).


Also output should be the minimum length string(in case of multiple options).


请2指针研究,和一个哈希表 M =字符 - >计数为包含字符串的字符不会出现在 S [l..r]

Keep two pointer l and r, and a hash table M = character -> count for characters in string2 that do not occur in s[l..r].

最初设定 L = 0 研究字符串1 [l..r ] 包含字符串2 的所有字符(如果可能的话)。你可以通过给M删除字符,直到它是空的。

Initially set l = 0 and r so that string1[l..r] contains all the characters of string2 (if possible). You do that by removing characters from M until it is empty.

然后继续通过增加研究一个在每一个步骤,然后递增→尽可能同时仍保持中号空。最低在所有的R - L + 1 (子串的长度 S [l..r] )是溶液

Then proceed by incrementing r by one in each step and then incrementing l as much as possible while still keeping M empty. The minimum over all r - l + 1 (the length of the substring s[l..r]) is the solution.


Pythonish pseudocode:

n = len(string1)
M = {}   # let's say M is empty if it contains no positive values
for c in string2:
l = 0
r = -1
while r + 1 < n and M not empty:
if M not empty:
    return "no solution"
answer_l, answer_r = l, r
while True:
    while M[string1[l]] < 0:
    if r - l + 1 < answer_r - anwer_l + 1:
        answer_l, answer_r = l, r
    if r == n:
return s[answer_l..answer_r]


The "is empty" checks can be implemented in O(1) if you maintain the number of positive entries when performing the increment and decrement operations.

N 字符串1 M 是长度字符串2


Note that l and r are only ever incremented, so there are at most O(n) increments and thus at most O(n) instructions are executed in the last outer loop.

如果 M 被实现为一个数组(我假设字母表是恒定的大小),你得到的运行时为O(N + M),这是最佳的。如果字母是太大,你可以使用一个哈希表来获得预期的O(N + M)。

If M is implemented as an array (I assume the alphabet is constant size), you get runtimeO(n + m), which is optimal. If the alphabet is too large, you can use a hash table to get expected O(n + m).


string1 = "abbabcdbcb"
string2 = "cbb"

# after first loop
M = { 'a': 0, 'b': 2, 'c': 1, 'd': 0 }

# after second loop
l = 0
r = 5
M = { 'a': -2, 'b': -1, 'c': 0, 'd': 0 }

# increment l as much as possible:
l = 2
r = 5
M = { 'a': -1, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': 0 }

# increment r by one and then l as much as possible
l = 2
r = 6
M = { 'a': -1, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': -1 }

# increment r by one and then l as much as possible
l = 4
r = 7
M = { 'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': -1 }

# increment r by one and then l as much as possible
l = 4
r = 8
M = { 'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': -1, 'd': -1 }

# increment r by one and then l as much as possible
l = 7
r = 9
M = { 'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': 0 }

最好的解决办法是S [7..9]。

The best solution is s[7..9].


09-03 06:45