I have tried using "into corresponding fields" and that does not work.
19 Data it_combine type standard table of ty_combine.
32 select ebeln lifnr ekorg bsart ekgrp
33 into table it_po
34 from ekko
35 where ebeln = it_combine-ebeln. " <=== SYNTAX ERROR
You can not use the fields in internal tables directly if you did not declare your internal table with header line.
有 2 种可能性可以更改您的代码.
There are 2 possibilities to change your code.
您在第 35 行调用了字段 ebeln.由于您没有在第 19 行声明带有标题行的 it_combine,因此您不能像这样使用 it_combine-ebeln.相反,您必须声明工作区
Data wa_combine type ty_combine.
并将第 35 行的工作区用作
and use the work area in line no 35 as
Loop at it_combine into wa_combine .
select ebeln lifnr ekorg bsart ekgrp
into table it_po
from ekko
where ebeln = wa_combine-ebeln.
End Loop.
2 你必须用标题行声明你的内部表
2 You have to declare your internal table with header line
Data it_combine type standard table of ty_combine with header line.
有关标题行和工作区的简要说明,请参阅 Sap 帮助文档.
Refer to the Sap help document for breif description about header line and work area.
这篇关于XXX 是一个没有标题行的表,因此没有称为“EBELN"的组件.的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!