kunnr date posnr
30001 28/5/2017 1
30001 25/5/2017 2
30001 15/5/2017 3
30001 25/4/2017 4
30001 20/4/2017 5
30002 15/5/2017 6
30002 25/4/2017 7
我希望每个新的 kunnr 都能获得每月最大日期的记录,即 5 月的最大值和 4 月的最大值等.
I want for every new kunnr to get the record with the max date per month, namely the max for May and max for April etc.
好的,我将对表格循环进行排序,并为每个新的 kunnr .... 我将如何获得每个月的最大日期记录?
OK, I will sort the table loop at it and for every new kunnr .... how I will get the record for max date for each month?
PS: sth went wrong and I realise that I do not get what I want. I have the following lines in a table
0000527746 1000 10.06.2017 20170718100757.5010080
0000527746 1000 10.06.2017 20170718100757.5039300
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100839.9209480
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718095843.3555610
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100209.2203570
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100757.4970390
and I want to select the last date of each month namely I want the select to bring me the following lines
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100757.4970390
select bukrs kunnr dat max( time ) as time
from zcollectoraction into corresponding fields of table it_collectoraction
where bukrs = p_bukrs and
kunnr in so_kunnr and
dat in so_date
group by bukrs kunnr dat.
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100757.4970390
要做什么才能每月有 1 条线路?
What to do in order to have 1 line per month?
为什么不在 select from DB 期间使用聚合函数?比循环内表效率更高.
Why not to use aggregate functions just during select from DB? It is more efficient that looping internal table.
SELECT k~bukrs_vf, k~kunnr, k~erdat, MAX( p~posnr ) AS T
FROM vbak AS k
JOIN vbap AS p
ON k~vbeln = p~vbeln
INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_result)
GROUP BY bukrs_vf, kunnr, k~erdat
ORDER BY bukrs_vf.
注意,上面的查询只会选择那些在 vbap
中有相应位置的 kunnrs.
Note, that the above query will select only those kunnrs which have corresponding positions in vbap