我需要绘制一个图表,其中包含一系列随着时间推移而扩展的值.值之间的时间间隔是不规则的(几秒钟).为此,我在日期时间教程和来自GitHub的日期轴示例( DateAxisExample.xaml 和 DateAxisExample.xaml.cs ).
I need to draw a chart with a series of values that extend over time. The time period between values is irregular (a few seconds). For this I am using the library LiveChart.Wpf, following Date Time tutorial and date axis example from GitHub (DateAxisExample.xaml and DateAxisExample.xaml.cs).
<UserControl x:Class="Wpf.Charts.SensorChart"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<lvc:CartesianChart Series="{Binding SeriesCollection}" LegendLocation="Left">
<lvc:DateAxis Title="Time"
InitialDateTime="{Binding InitialDateTime}"
Period="{Binding Period}"
SelectedWindow="{Binding SelectedWindow}"
LabelFormatter="{Binding Formatter}">
using LiveCharts;
using LiveCharts.Configurations;
using LiveCharts.Helpers;
using LiveCharts.Wpf;
using System;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace Wpf.Charts
public partial class SensorChart : UserControl
public SeriesCollection SeriesCollection { get; set; }
public DateTime InitialDateTime { get; set; }
public PeriodUnits Period { get; set; }
public IAxisWindow SelectedWindow { get; set; }
private Func<double, string> Formatter { get; set; }
public SensorChart()
this.DataContext = this;
private void SetChartModelValues()
var dayConfig = Mappers.Xy<ChartModel>()
.X(dayModel => (double)dayModel.DateTime.Ticks / TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).Ticks)
.Y(dayModel => dayModel.Value);
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
now = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second);
this.SeriesCollection = new SeriesCollection(dayConfig)
new LineSeries()
Values = new ChartValues<ChartModel>()
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(5), 3),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(10), 6),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(15), 8),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(20), 4),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(55), 7),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(60), 2),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(65), 6),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(70), 8),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(75), 4),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(80), 7),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(105), 3),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(110), 6),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(115), 8),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(120), 4),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(155), 7),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(160), 2),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(165), 6),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(170), 8),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(175), 4),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(180), 7),
//foreach ()
this.InitialDateTime = now;
this.Period = PeriodUnits.Seconds;
this.SelectedWindow = new DateAxisWindows.FifteenSecondsAxisWindow();
this.Formatter = this.DateLabelFormater;
private string DateLabelFormater(double value)
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime((long)(value * TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).Ticks));
return dateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
public class ChartModel
public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }
public double Value { get; set; }
public ChartModel(DateTime dateTime, double value)
this.DateTime = dateTime;
this.Value = value;
But when I run the application it displays dates of the year 4036. Do you know what is happening?
Try this if you want to display the actual values:
public partial class SensorChart : UserControl
public SeriesCollection SeriesCollection { get; set; }
public DateTime InitialDateTime { get; set; }
public Func<double, string> Formatter { get; set; }
public SensorChart()
this.DataContext = this;
private void SetChartModelValues()
var dayConfig = Mappers.Xy<ChartModel>()
.X(dayModel => dayModel.DateTime.Ticks)
.Y(dayModel => dayModel.Value);
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
this.SeriesCollection = new SeriesCollection(dayConfig)
new LineSeries()
Values = new ChartValues<ChartModel>()
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(5), 3),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(10), 6),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(15), 8),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(20), 4),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(55), 7),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(60), 2),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(65), 6),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(70), 8),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(75), 4),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(80), 7),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(105), 3),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(110), 6),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(115), 8),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(120), 4),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(155), 7),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(160), 2),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(165), 6),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(170), 8),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(175), 4),
new ChartModel(now.AddSeconds(180), 7),
this.InitialDateTime = now;
this.Formatter = value => new DateTime((long)value).ToString("yyyy-MM:dd HH:mm:ss");
<lvc:CartesianChart Series="{Binding SeriesCollection}" LegendLocation="Left">
<lvc:Axis LabelFormatter="{Binding Formatter}"
MinValue="{Binding InitialDateTime.Ticks}">