


I have read this post and suspect I need to understand indexing better. I would like to do something like np.ndenumerate, but (in this particular case) only over the first three dimensions, returning a series of vectors:

x = np.linspace(0., 1., 4)
y = np.linspace(0., 1., 5)
z = np.linspace(0., 1., 2)
X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(x, y, z)   # define a grid
F = np.zeros(X.shape + (3,))     # a 3D vector field
F = np.random.rand(5*4*2*3).reshape(5,4,2,3)   # added this later just to give non-zero for testing

thetas = np.linspace(0, 2.*np.pi, 21)[:-1]    # drop the duplicate
v = np.array([(np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), 0.0) for theta in thetas])

for tup, vec in magical_enumerate(F, axis=(0,1,2)):  # it's magic! (need correct expression)
    F(tup) = np.cross(v, vec).sum(axis=0)     # sum over 20 vectors in v


Is there a way to do this without lots of loops or list interpretations? The grids will be large, so numpythony and speed are appreciated. What about non-sequential dimensions (e.g. axis=(0,2))? Thanks!



np.ndindex might do the trick. It generates an iterator over a set of dimensions.

In [231]: F=np.zeros((2,3,3,3))

In [232]: for tup in np.ndindex(F.shape[:3]):
    # vec = data[tup] etc

In [233]: F
array([[[[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
         [ 0.,  0.,  1.],
         [ 0.,  0.,  2.]],

         [ 1.,  2.,  1.],
         [ 1.,  2.,  2.]]]])

我建议同时查看ndenumeratendindex的代码. ndindexmulti_index模式下使用更新的nditer. ndenumerate使用flat迭代所有值.

I'd suggest looking at the code for both ndenumerate and ndindex. ndindex is using the more recent nditer in a multi_index mode. ndenumerate uses flat to iterate over all values.


I've suggested in other SO how you could construct your own multi_index iterator modeled on ndindex. A search on nditer might produce those.


This is not going to give a speed advantage over multiple loops, because you still are dealing with the same number of inner most calculations.


As for non-sequential dimensions, this same ndindex will work, but you have to manipulate tup before using it as an index:

In [243]: for tup in np.ndindex((F.shape[0],F.shape[2])):


np.apply_along_axis and np.apply_over_axes are other examples of generating indices over 1 or more of the axes, while slicing others.


09-03 06:04