

本文介绍了Django:“Soft” ForeignField无数据库完整性检查的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




你知道我如何编写一个自定义字段来模拟真正的Django ForeignKey不会对数据库造成严重限制?


提前感谢帮助: - )




  • I have a Django project that has multiple django "apps". One of them has models to represent data coming from an external source (I do not control this data).

    I want my other apps to be able to have references to this "external app" but I want to avoid all the fuzz of the database integrity checks. I don't want the db to have any constraints on these "soft foreign keys".

    Do you know how I can code a custom field that will emulate a real Django ForeignKey without creating a hard constraint on the database?

    Maybe this already exists, but I didn't have any luck on Google.

    Thanks in advance for the help :-)

    NB: I'm aware of the generic relations system with the content_types. But I don't want generic relations. I want specific relations to identified models only without hard integrity constraints.


    I found related links:

    But I didn't find a proper answer to my question. :(

    EDIT 2012, june 4:

    I've looked deep into django's code to find what needs to be done, but I think that simply subclassing ForeignKey will not be enough. Could you give me some directions on how to do this?

    NB: I use South for managing my database schema, so I figure I'll need to do something about that too. But it may be out of the subject here :)


Yo guys,

I managed to make what I wanted.

First, I created a new field:

from django.db.models.deletion import DO_NOTHING
from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignKey, ManyToOneRel

class SoftForeignKey(ForeignKey):
    This field behaves like a normal django ForeignKey only without hard database constraints.
    def __init__(self, to, to_field=None, rel_class=ManyToOneRel, **kwargs):
        ForeignKey.__init__(self, to, to_field=to_field, rel_class=rel_class, **kwargs)
        self.on_delete = DO_NOTHING

    no_db_constraints = True

Since I use South to manage my database schema, I had to add this:

from south.modelsinspector import add_introspection_rules
add_introspection_rules([], [r'^ecm\.lib\.softfk\.SoftForeignKey'])

Then, I had to monkey patch south so that it takes the no_db_constraints parameter into account. There were two functions involved in the creation of FK constraints:

from django.db.models.deletion import DO_NOTHING
from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignKey, ManyToOneRel
from import no_style
from south.db.generic import DatabaseOperations, invalidate_table_constraints, flatten

def column_sql(self, table_name, field_name, field, tablespace='', with_name=True, field_prepared=False):
    Creates the SQL snippet for a column. Used by add_column and add_table.

    # If the field hasn't already been told its attribute name, do so.

        if field.rel and self.supports_foreign_keys:
            # HACK: "soft" FK handling begin
            if not hasattr(field, 'no_db_constraints') or not field.no_db_constraints:
            # HACK: "soft" FK handling end

    # Things like the contrib.gis module fields have this in 1.1 and below
    if hasattr(field, 'post_create_sql'):
        for stmt in field.post_create_sql(no_style(), ta

# monkey patch South here
DatabaseOperations.column_sql = column_sql


from django.db.models.deletion import DO_NOTHING
from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignKey, ManyToOneRel
from import no_style
from south.db.generic import DatabaseOperations, invalidate_table_constraints, flatten

def alter_column(self, table_name, name, field, explicit_name=True, ignore_constraints=False):
    Alters the given column name so it will match the given field.
    Note that conversion between the two by the database must be possible.
    Will not automatically add _id by default; to have this behavour, pass

    @param table_name: The name of the table to add the column to
    @param name: The name of the column to alter
    @param field: The new field definition to use

    if self.dry_run:
        if self.debug:
    if not ignore_constraints:
        # Add back FK constraints if needed
        if field.rel and self.supports_foreign_keys:
            # HACK: "soft" FK handling begin
            if not hasattr(field, 'no_db_constraints') or not field.no_db_constraints:
            # HACK: "soft" FK handling end

# monkey patch South here
DatabaseOperations.alter_column = alter_column

This is really ugly but I didn't find another way.

Now you can use the SoftForeignKey field exactly like a normal ForeignKey except that you won't have any referencial integrity enforcement.

See here for the complete monkey-patch :

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09-03 06:03