我有可以以多种格式返回数据的Web服务.例如json和xml.我正在针对此Web服务构建一个简单的C#API,我希望这些方法能够从json,raw json或raw xml返回完全序列化的对象.例如:
I have webservice that can return data in multiple formats. For example json and xml. I'm building a simple C# api against this webservice and I would like the methods to be able to return either fully serialized objects from json, raw json or raw xml. For example:
List<Order> GetOrders(int customerId)
string GetOrders(int customerId)
XMLDocument GetOrders(customerId)
Customer GetCustomer(int customerId)
string GetCustomer(int customerId)
XMLDocument GetCustomer(int customerId)
I have an idea about doing a fluent api where you would call a SetFormat() method which would then return a common Interface for the above methods. But I'm stuck on how that interface would look like, since the implementation that returns serialized objects returns objects of different types.
Another simpler solution would to just have the methods that return serialized objects and then add an out paramater like this:
List<Order> GetOrders(int customerId, out string data)
but that's not very nice solution I think....
I prefered the none-generic solution that Sjoerd suggested, I had over-complicated my problem. This is what I ended up doing:
public class ServiceEntity {
List<Order> GetOrders(int customerId)....
public class ServiceJson {
string GetOrders(int customerId)....
public class ServiceXml {
XmlDocument GetOrders(int customerId)....
Then a fluent service class like this:
public class Service : IService {
public AsJson() { return new ServiceJson(); }
public AsEntity() { return new ServiceEntity(); }
public AsXml() { return new ServiceXml(); }
string json = Service.New().AsJson().GetCategories(1);
List<Order> = Service.New().AsEntity().GetCategories(1);
It's nice to try to use generics, but generics are not a silver bullet!
In this case, I wonder how much code would you save compared with the non-generic:
List<Order> GetOrdersAsList(int customerId)
string GetOrdersAsString(int customerId)
XMLDocument GetOrdersAsXml(customerId)
And in case you decide on the non-generic approach, most likely it would end up internally as:
List<Order> GetOrders(int customerId)
string OrdersToString(List<Order> orders)
XMLDocument OrdersToXml(List<Order> orders)
然后,可以将后两种方法移到单独的类中,从而导致您的 GetOrders()
Then the latter two methods could be moved to separate classes, resulting in the fact that your GetOrders()
is uncoupled from the format.
That seems to me a much better and cleaner approach than trying to use generics in this case!
UPDATE: Don't get me wrong, I like generics and in many cases they make code more readable. Several other answers are very interesting as they show techniques to achieve that. So I recommend to study them: they might be useful in other cases. But in this case, each proposed solution so far has a practical drawback. That's why I recommend non-generics in this case.