本文介绍了在 Linux 中开始 iPhone 应用程序开发?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我听说如果你想开发 iPhone 应用程序,你需要一台 Mac.这是真的?

I've heard that you need to get a Mac if you want to develop iPhone apps. Is this true?

是否可以使用 Linux 开发 iPhone 应用程序?如果是,我需要什么以及从哪里下载必要的工具?

Is it possible to develop iPhone apps using Linux? If yes, what do I need and where do I download the necessary tools?


为了提供不同的响应,我在 Linux 上的虚拟化 (VMware) 机器上运行 OS X 和 Xcode.CPU 是 Core2Quad (Q8800),速度非常快.我在网上找到了一个预建的虚拟机(我会留给你去寻找)Xcode/iPhone 开发工作完美,通过 USB 调试手机本身也是如此.

To provide a differing response, I'm running OS X and Xcode on a virtualised (VMware) machine on Linux. CPU is a Core2Quad (Q8800), and it is perfectly fast. I found a prebuilt VM online (I'll leave it to you to find)Xcode/iPhone development works perfectly, as does debugging via USB to the phone itself.

这实际上让我很惊讶 - 但我完全没有遇到任何问题.

It actually surprised me a lot - but I've had no issues at all.

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09-03 05:31