

本文介绍了修复"Apple Watch应用程序的安装从未完成"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在过去的4周中,我没有为我当前的应用项目测试Watch应用.最初,我使用的是Xcode 7 beta5.但是,我也注意到了Xcode 7 GM中的这种行为.我与Apple为此创建了一个雷达,但他们在没有说明如何解决此问题的情况下将其作为副本关闭了.

For the past 4 weeks, I've had no success in testing a Watch app for my current app project. Initially, I was using Xcode 7 beta 5. However, I'm noticing this behavior in the Xcode 7 GM as well. I created a radar for this with Apple, but they closed it as a duplicate without explaining how to fix this.


I have already reviewed the questions here and here, and have attempted every answer they have suggested. But the issue still isn't resolved.

我的问题:我有一个现有的iPhone应用程序.我为Apple Watch创建了一个新的目标,目标是watchOS2.我没有触动Watch扩展中的任何内容,而是保留了默认情况下创建的所有内容.当我尝试在Watch模拟器中运行它时,大约一分钟没有任何反应.然后,我在Xcode中收到以下错误:

My issue: I have an existing iPhone application. I created a new target for the Apple Watch, targeting watchOS 2. I have not touched anything in the Watch extension, leaving everything as it is created by default. When I attempt to run it in the Watch simulator, nothing happens for about one minute. I then get the following error in Xcode:

"Error launching '<app name> Extension'
Install of Apple Watch Application never finished"

我没有项目错误. iPhone应用程序本身仍然可以在iOS模拟器中使用.

I have no project errors. And the iPhone app itself still works in the iOS simulator.


I can create a new project in Xcode, create a new Watch target, and get it to run just fine. But I don't know why my existing project doesn't work.


Another possible item related to this: In the Watch app in the iOS Simulator, my app is listed but doesn't have an icon next to it despite me having set up the Watch app icons properly.

在此方面的任何协助将不胜感激.我浪费了数周时间,只是想让它正常工作,而令人尴尬的是,Apple发行了GM版本的Xcode 7,该版本不适用于现有项目.

Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated. I've wasted weeks on just trying to get this to work, and it's embarrassing to see Apple release a GM release of Xcode 7 that doesn't work properly with existing projects.


我遇到了这个问题.我通过从Watch模拟器中删除Watch App,对项目进行了干净的构建并重新安装来解决了该问题.

I have come across this issue. I resolved the problem by deleting the Watch App from the Watch simulator, doing a clean build of the project, and re-installing.

这篇关于修复"Apple Watch应用程序的安装从未完成"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 05:12