


I have the following method I created it's nothing fancy just retrieves data from an HTTP server but it is an async method.

public async Task<string> GetStringFromConsul(string key)
        string s = "";

        // attempts to get a string from Consul
            //async method to get the response
            HttpResponseMessage response = await this.http.GetAsync(apiPrefix + key);

            //if it responds successfully
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                //parse out a string and decode said string
                s = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<consulValue>>(s);
                s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(obj[0].value));
                s = requestErrorCodePrefix + response.StatusCode + ">";
        catch(Exception e)
            //need to do something with the exception
            s = requestExceptionPrefix + e.ToString() + ">";

        return s;


Then in the test I call the code just like I do during normal execution:

    public async Task GetStringFromConsulTest()
        ConsulConfiguration cc = new ConsulConfiguration();

        string a = cc.GetStringFromConsul("").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
        Assert.AreEqual(a, "");


However I get an exception like so instead of any sort of string:

Message:   Expected string length 514 but was 0. Strings differ at index 0.
  Expected: "<Request Exception: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledExcept..."
  But was:  <string.Empty>


I've looked around and found a few tutorials on this and tried it but to no avail. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it, I'm pretty new to C# unit testing.


在Nunit Framework中,如下所示在单元测试中使用async/await:

In Nunit Framework, Use async/await in unit test as in the following:

public async Task GetStringFromConsulTest()
    ConsulConfiguration cc = new ConsulConfiguration();
    //string a = cc.GetStringFromConsul("").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
    //use await instead

    string a = await cc.GetStringFromConsul("");
    Assert.AreEqual(a, "");


For more details, read Async Support in NUnit

最好在引发异常的情况下测试您的方法 NUnit预期异常

It's better to test your method in case of firing exceptions NUnit expected exceptions



该错误表示测试失败,并且源代码方法 GetStringFromConsul 中存在错误.

That error means that the test fail and there is a bug in the source code method GetStringFromConsul.


Your test method include the Assert statement:

    Assert.AreEqual(a, "");

这意味着您希望通过 a = cc.GetStringFromConsul(")计算得出的 a 变量应为",否则,测试将失败,并且NUnit Framework会引发类似以下的异常:

That means that you expect a variable which is calculated from a=cc.GetStringFromConsul("") should be "" to pass,otherwise the test fail and NUnit Framework Fire an exception like:

    Message:   Expected string length 514 but was 0. Strings differ at index 0.
      Expected: "<Request Exception: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledExcept..."
      But was:  <string.Empty>

要解决此异常,您应该解决方法 GetStringFromConsul 中的错误,当输入参数="

To resolve this exception, you should resolve the bug in the method GetStringFromConsul to return "" when the input parameter=""


09-03 04:11