

在寻找有关内联函数的静态解析类型参数的信息时,我偶然发现了 FSharp.Core中的各种基本运算符:

Looking for information about statically resolved type parameters for inline functions I stumbled upon the definitions of various primitive operators in FSharp.Core:

let inline (+) (x: ^T) (y: ^U) : ^V =
     CheckedAdditionDynamic<(^T),(^U),(^V)>  x y
     when ^T : int32       and ^U : int32      = (# "add.ovf" x y : int32 #)
     when ^T : float       and ^U : float      = (# "add" x y : float #)
     // <snip>
     when ^T : ^T = ((^T or ^U): (static member (+) : ^T * ^U -> ^V) (x,y))

when关键字上方的代码段中可以看出,该格式以以下格式使用:when expr1 = expr2用于各种内置类型.我猜想这是某种等效于如果T = int使用opcode add.ovf,否则如果...,否则执行该操作"的编译器.

As can be seen in the snippet above the when keyword is used in the format of: when expr1 = expr2 for various built-in types. I'm guessing that this is some sort of compiler equivalent of "if T=int use opcode add.ovf, else if ..., else do that".


However, I could not find a single reference/explanation to this kind of syntax in the F# documentation. Could someone with some inside knowledge of F# explain what is going on in that snippet above?



User Carsten has provided the following comment to this answer as he considers it to be wrong.


User Carsten added an additional comment to this answer:

Carsten的第一条评论中提到的答案是用户John Palmer在2013年4月提出的,该链接指向他在(# ..... #)语法

The answer referred to in Carsten's first comment is by user John Palmer in April 2013 which links to this answer he provided on the (# ..... #) syntax, What is the (# ... #) syntax seen in F3 standard library implementation?


User MisterMetaphor provided an answer quoting a posting in a forum that said the following:

并非如此.此功能的99.9%目的是用于操作 在FSharp.Core.dll中定义(在1.9.2.9及更低版本中称为fslib.dll).

Not really. The 99.9% purpose of this feature is for operations defined in FSharp.Core.dll (called fslib.dll in and before).


For other uses of the when keyword see the following.


This Microsoft document describes using the when keyword for additional conditions on matching, Match Expressions (F#).


This Microsoft document describes using the when keyword to express constraints for generic type parameters, Constraints (F#).


Also see this Microsoft document describing pattern matching with the when keyword in various settings, Pattern Matching (F#).


The Pattern Matching document says the following along with several examples.


The Match Expression document says the following along with an example.


09-03 04:07