


A)为什么使用带有模板时的的CreateUserWizard 的控制,也包括的文本框的用的 ID =电子邮件的取决于是否的 CreateUserWizard控件。 RequireEmail 的属性被设置为true,但文本框的用的 ID =问题的只有当潜在的成员资格提供需要密码提示问题必需的?
换句话说,为什么不也达到底层成员提供,以决定是否文本框的(用ID =电子邮件的)是必需的?

A) Why, when using templates with CreateUserWizard control, does including Textbox with ID=Email depend on whether CreateUserWizard.RequireEmail property is set to true, but TextBox with ID=Question is required only if underlying membership provider requires password question?In other words, why wouldn’t it also be up to underlying membership provider to decide whether Textbox ( with ID=email ) is required?


B)。另一方面,为什么会高达成员提供,以决定是否需要密码的问题?不应该这样达到的 Membership类的决定?毕竟,会员供应商的工作应该仅仅是提供访问底层数据存储,而不是决定用户必须提供什么样的数据?!

B) On the other hand, why would be up to membership provider to decide whether password question is required? Shouldn’t this be up to Membership class to decide? Afterall, the job of membership provider should just be to provide access to underlying data store, and not to decide what data users must provide?!








So RequiresUniqueEmail in essence tells that user doesn’t have to specify an email address, but if she does, it must be unique?



  • 如果我理解正确的成员资格提供程序,它们是发送SQL查询的数据存储实体?因此,我认为他们有表和关系等这样的数据存储有充分的知识?

  • If I understand membership providers correctly, they are the entities that send SQL queries to data storage?! Thus I assume they have full knowledge of tables and relationships etc this data storage has?


But still, what if data storage doesn’t have a column for storing email addresses, but CreateUser() specifies email address as one of its parameters? How does membership provider handle that?



It is an interesting point that email is part of the expected data fields.

让我澄清一下......如果你设置RequiresUniqueEmail为true SQL提供的电子邮件不会被要求--strictly讲话。它只是意味着每个用户必须从任何其他用户使用不同的电子邮件地址。因此,有可能是没有电子邮件地址的用户。 null值将在数据库中进行设置。但没有其他用户将能够之后省略的电子邮件地址,因为这会导致两个用户具有空邮件...因此在功能上它可能也是相同的要求的电子邮件地址,但它在技术上并不相同。

Let me clarify... if you set RequiresUniqueEmail to true for the SQL Provider, the email will NOT be required --strictly speaking. It just means that every user will have to use a different email address from any other user. So there can be one user without an email address. A null value will be set in the database. But no other user would be able to omit the email address after that because that would cause two users to have null emails... So functionally it may as well be the same as required email addresses, but it is not technically the same.


The wizard controls provide a default UI for collecting membership information, and it assumes you use will be using the default SQL provider. If you are not using the default provider, your provider doesn't support all of the fields, or you have other unique constraints in your provider then you should customize the wizard steps with your own templates and handle the wizard's events to provide your own validations and additional logic as appropriate.


As for understanding the Membership system itself...


The Membership system in asp.net is a compromise between strict OO design and convenience. There are a few assumptions in the base MembershipProvider class from which the specific Membership providers inherit that are presumptuous. The fact that email addresses will be part of the membership data in one of the more liberal assumptions the base provider makes.


By making that assumption though, which is true in most environments, the membership system is able to expose some functionality related to email addresses in a simple and intuitive way (such as getting a user by their email address instead of user name and prohibiting multiple accounts with the same email address). If the base class didn't make that assumption, then every time you wanted to do stuff with emails in your specific provider, you'd have to cast the reference to the specific type you are using within your application. This is cumbersome.


From a purely OO point of view, these assumptions are uncomfortable. But you can, and many membership providers do, provide empty implementations for methods and properties from the base class if they don't use them.


You see this more with role providers... for example the Windows Token Role provider has a lot of members that throw NotImplmentedException (the Token role provider is a read-only provider for AD, so all of the property set accessors throw exceptions).


09-03 04:02