

我已经将我的DSL部署为VSIX扩展了几年,并希望将Nuget更改为分发机制。 我意识到这不是NuGet打包问题的地方,但我需要了解我的Nuget包中包含的内容为

I have been deploying my DSL as VSIX extensions for a few years and want to change to Nuget as a distribution mechanism.  I realize that this not a place for NuGet packaging questions, but I need to understand what to include in my Nuget package to ensure that this will run on a target developer instance, so I am hoping someone has done this already and can provide me with some clues.

我已经安装了NuGet Package Manager,这使得创建和发布Nuget包非常容易。 我能够创建一个简单的Nuget包部署,但现在我需要部署我的DSL扩展。

I have installed NuGet Package Manager which makes creating and publishing a Nuget package very easy.  I am able to create a deploy a simple Nuget package but now I need to deploy my DSL extension.


My question is what do I deploy in my package contents?


In my current VSIX I have a number of assemblies such as 

  • MyProduct.DsL.dll,
  • MyProduct.DslPackge.dll
  • Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll(不确定是否需要)
  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.Interfaces.12.0.dll(不是确定是否需要)


As well I have a few of my own custom assemblies that are dependencies of the MyProduct.Dsl.dll and MyProduct.DslPackage.dll.  


I also have a folder within my VSIX that contains T4Templates which are used at runtime to code generate some classes within the target project.

然后 ItemTemplates\CSharp \ 1033 \ MyProduct.zip中的文件以及
ItemTemplat es\VisualBasic \ 1033 \ MyProduct.zip

And then there files in the ItemTemplates\CSharp\1033\MyProduct.zip as well asItemTemplates\VisualBasic\1033\MyProduct.zip

我还有一个名为  Additional.pkg.def 的文件 具有以下内容...

I also have a file named Additional.pkg.def file with the following content...

[$ RootKey $ \TextTemplating\IncludeFolders]

[$ RootKey $ \TextTemplating\IncludeFolders\.tt]

" IncludeMyDsl" =" $ PackageFolder $ \CustomCode \ T4Templates"


There is a ton of configuration within MyProduct.DslPackage.pkgdef and I am not certain what most of this means, I suspect it is used by the VSIX installer to install my extension. 


So does anyone have a clue as to how I go about laying out the Nuget package with all the necessary elements for a successful deployment?



Johnny Larue,http://www.softlandingcanada.com

Johnny Larue, http://www.softlandingcanada.com


FYI pkgdef文件包含使设计器与VS一起正常工作所必需的注册表项它告诉VS您的包存在以及在哪里找到它,为您的新模型文件创建文件关联,注册您的编辑器,

FYI the pkgdef file contains the registry entries that are necessary to make your designer work correctly with VS e.g. it tells VS that your package exists and where to find it, creates the file association for your new model file, registers your editor, tool window, menu commands etc. You will need to make sure this information gets into the registry somehow too.




09-03 04:01