本文介绍了部署Azure市场提供失败并超时的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞!我正在使用ASDK。我之前能够在堆栈中部署Azure市场产品。 I am using ASDK. I was able to deploy Azure market place offering on the stack before. 大约2个月前,我无法从Azure成功部署我们的新产品。 我们不知道我们的产品中有什么变化(仍然在Azure上工作),但未能在堆栈上部署。About 2 months ago, i was not able to successfully deploy our new offering from Azure.  We don't know what changed in our offering (still working on Azure), but failed to deploy on the stack.错误消息我收到的是"DeploymentFailed"。The error message i received is "DeploymentFailed". 查看失败的详细信息,它似乎表示"冲突"。  我已删除所有资源组。 我甚至开始了另一个ASDK实例。 仍然无法解决此问题。Look at the detail of the failure, it seems to indicate a "conflict".  I have deleted all resource groups.  I have even started another ASDK instance.  still cannot resolve this issue.操作ID0B02590BDC66EFB6 跟踪IDea66bdc1-70bd-4ed2-a28e-21765fead2d3 STATUSConflict 配置STATEFailed TIMESTAMP5 / 30 / 2019,2:24:36 PM DURATION5分23秒 TYPEMicrosoft.Compute / virtualMachines 资源ID /订阅/ 785b1dfa-409a-47e7-b15e-51ec03fb0108 / resourceGroups / JAMESGROUP / providers / Microsoft.Compute / virtualMachines / JAMESTEST1 STATUSMESSAGE {   "status":"Failed","  "错误":{     "code":"ResourceDeploymentFailure","    " message":"资源操作已完成,终端配置状态为'Failed'。","    "详情":[       {         "code":"VmProvisioningTimeout","        "message":"VM'JAMESTEST1'未能通过超时进行配置。"¥b $ b      }¥b $ b    ]¥b $ b  } } RESOURCEJAMESTEST1OPERATION ID0B02590BDC66EFB6TRACKING IDea66bdc1-70bd-4ed2-a28e-21765fead2d3STATUSConflictPROVISIONING STATEFailedTIMESTAMP5/30/2019, 2:24:36 PMDURATION5 minutes 23 secondsTYPEMicrosoft.Compute/virtualMachinesRESOURCE ID/subscriptions/785b1dfa-409a-47e7-b15e-51ec03fb0108/resourceGroups/JAMESGROUP/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/JAMESTEST1STATUSMESSAGE{  "status": "Failed",  "error": {    "code": "ResourceDeploymentFailure",    "message": "The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.",    "details": [      {        "code": "VmProvisioningTimeout",        "message": "VM 'JAMESTEST1' failed to provision with timeout."      }    ]  }}RESOURCEJAMESTEST1有人可以帮忙吗?谢谢, Jame推荐答案 当虚拟机部署时间超过45分钟时,会发生虚拟机配置超时。这些部署很有意思,因为它们并不一定意味着部署失败。要使VM部署成功,VM必须加载,安装Azure代理(如果需要)并将其状态报告给Azure Stack成功。 VM Provisioning Timeouts occur when the VM takes longer than 45 minutes to deploy. These deployments are interesting, as they do not necessarily mean that the deployment failed. For a VM deployment to be successful, the VM must load, install the Azure Agent (if needed) and report its status to Azure Stack as successful. 如果存在大型自定义脚本,如果VM大小太小,或者由于某种原因阻塞了虚拟机的状态报告,则最终会得到成功的部署,但是显示为失败。 If there is a large custom script, if the VM size is too small, or if for some reason there is something blocking the VM's status reporting, you will end up with a deployment that succeeded, but shows as failed. 您应该能够在"正在运行"中看到虚拟机。或"失败"当你去门户网站时说。尝试连接到VM,看看是否可以登录。 You should be able to see the Virtual Machine in either a "Running" or "Failed" state when you go to the portal. Try to connect to the VM and see if you can log in.  ,你能给出你想要部署的确切市场形象吗?Also, can you give the exact marketplace image you are trying to deploy? 这篇关于部署Azure市场提供失败并超时的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-03 03:59