


I have code similar to this:

class Foo {
  Dictionary<Type, Object> _dict;

  void Create(string myType, string myValue)
    var instance = Type.Instanciate(myType)  // How do I do this?
    if (var.IsPrimitive)
      var.GetType().Parse(myValue)   // I know this is there...how to invoke?
      Dictionary[instance.GetType()] = instance;

  T GetValue<T>(T myType) { return (T)_dict[T]; }

// Populate with values
foo.Create("System.Int32", "15");
foo.Create("System.String", "My String");
foo.Create("System.Boolean", "False");

// Access a value
bool b = GetValue(b);


So my questions are:
a) How do I instantiate the type
b) Parse the type value from a string when Parse is supported.


请注意,如果类型不在的mscorlib 或当前执行的程序集,你需要包括程序集名称(和版本信息,如果它的强命名)

Note that if the type isn't in mscorlib or the currently executing assembly, you'll need to include the assembly name (and version information if it's strongly named).

下面是一个使用你原来的code一个完整的例子。需要注意的是的GetValue 并不需要一个正常的参数,因为你已经给类型参数(T)。

Here's a complete example using your original code. Note that GetValue doesn't need a normal parameter, as you've already given the type parameter (T).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Foo {
  Dictionary<Type, Object> _dict = new Dictionary<Type, Object>();

  public void Create(string myType, string myValue)
      Type type = Type.GetType(myType);
      object value = Convert.ChangeType(myValue, type);
      _dict[type] = value;

  public T GetValue<T>() { return (T)_dict[typeof(T)]; }

class Test
    static void Main()
        Foo foo = new Foo();

        // Populate with values
        foo.Create("System.Int32", "15");
        foo.Create("System.String", "My String");
        foo.Create("System.Boolean", "False");



09-03 03:54