


I would like to search and install clojure dependencies from the commandline.

是否存在一个工具/leiningen命令/lein change脚本?/...可以:

Does there exists a tool/leiningen command/lein change script?/... that can:

  • 在线搜索clojure库
  • 重写project.clj以包括依赖关系(最新版本)
  • 更新依赖项?
  • search for clojure libraries online
  • rewrite project.clj to include the dependency (latest version)
  • update dependencies?

npm install --save (--save-dev)和npm search,对于那些熟悉 npm (JS/Node程序包管理器).

Much along the lines of npm install --save (--save-dev) and npm search, for those that are familiar with npm (JS/Node package manager).


(Maybe boot provides a more npm-like workflow?)


您可以在其 插件 Wiki页面.

You could find complete list of all Leiningen plugins at its Plugins Wiki page.


I just looked through Development Tools section and found two plugins that may interest you:

  • lein-plz -莱宁根插件,用于快速向项目添加依赖项.
  • lein-ancient -一个Leiningen插件,用于检查您的项目中是否有过时的依赖项和插件. /li>
  • lein-plz - a Leiningen plugin for quickly adding dependencies to projects.
  • lein-ancient - a Leiningen plugin to check your project for outdated dependencies and plugins.


And here is an example of adding new dependencies with lein-plz (from its Readme):

$ lein plz add core.async cljs data.json


And an example of updating outdated dependencies with lein-ancient (from its Readme):

$ lein ancient upgrade-profiles [<options>]


09-03 03:45