使用Visual Studio 2017和.net core构建项目时,是否可以将Nuget包自动上传到feed?
Is it possible to automatically upload a Nuget package to a feed when building a project using Visual Studio 2017 and .net core?
I can check the option to automatically generate the package, but I don't know how to automate the publish process.
The answer is yes. Since NuGet Command Line Interface (CLI) provides the full extent of NuGet functionality to install, create, publish, and manage packages.
https://docs.microsoft .com/en-us/nuget/tools/nuget-exe-cli-reference#push
我们可以添加一个目标,以便在Visual Studio生成包后执行发布命令行.此外,当您选中自动生成程序包的选项时,您会注意到生成程序包的目标是"GenerateNuspec
We could add a target to execute the publish command line after Visual Studio generate package. In addition, when you check the option to automatically generate the package, you can notice that the target which generate the package is "GenerateNuspec
" (MSBuild project build output verbosity->Detailed). So we could a target after the target "GenerateNuspec
<Target Name="PushNuGetPackage" AfterTargets="GenerateNuspec">
Right click project->Select Edit projectname.csproj
->Add below scripts:
<Target Name="PushNuGetPackage" AfterTargets="GenerateNuspec">
<Message Text="Push NuGet Package to NuGet Feed" Importance="high"></Message>
<Exec Command="D:\nuget.exe push $(ProjectDir)bin\Debug\AutoPushNuGetPackageTest.1.0.0.nupkg -Source D:\LocalServer"></Exec>
Note: The exec command should be:
<Exec Command="PathOfYourNuGet\nuget.exe push PathOfYourPackage\PackageName.nupkg -Source NuGetFeedPath"></Exec>
有了这个目标,Visual Studio将在使用Visual Studio构建项目时自动将Nuget包上传到feed:
With this target, Visual Studio will automatically upload a Nuget package to a feed when building a project using Visual Studio: