

git子模块如何加上-b 工作?

在添加一个具有特定分支的子模块后,新的克隆回购(在 git submodule update --init 之后)将在特定的提交中,而不是分支本身( git status 在子模块上显示当前不在任何分支上)。

我无法在 .gitmodules .git / config 关于子模块的分支或任何特定的提交,那么git是如何计算出来的?




这意味着,当其他人检出你的存储库或者提取你的代码时,并执行git submodule更新,子模块将签出到特定的提交。



  cd submodule_directory 
git checkout v1.0
cd ..
git add submodule_directory
git commit -m将子模块移至v1.0
git push


  git pull 

git pull 其子模块目录指向的更改。 git submodule update 实际上会合并到新代码中。

How does git submodule add -b work?

After adding a submodule with a specific branch, a new cloned repo (after git submodule update --init) will be at a specific commit, not the branch itself (git status on the submodule shows "Not currently on any branch").

I can't find any information on .gitmodules or .git/config about the submodule's branch or any specific commit, so how does git figure it out?

Also, is it possible to specify a tag instead of a branch?

PS: I'm using


Note: Git 1.8.2 added the possibility to track branches. See some of the answers below.

It's a little confusing to get used to this, but submodules are not on a branch. They are, like you say, just a pointer to a particular commit of the submodule's repository.

This means, when someone else checks out your repository, or pulls your code, and does git submodule update, the submodule is checked out to that particular commit.

This is great for a submodule that does not change often, because then everyone on the project can have the submodule at the same commit.

If you want to move the submodule to a particular tag:

cd submodule_directory
git checkout v1.0
cd ..
git add submodule_directory
git commit -m "moved submodule to v1.0"
git push

Then, another developer who wants to have submodule_directory changed to that tag, does this

git pull
git submodule update

git pull changes which commit their submodule directory points to. git submodule update actually merges in the new code.


09-03 03:28