我从 http://hg.openjdk 下载了 JavaFx 源代码.java.net/openjfx/2.2/master/rt/summary.
zip 文件中的文件夹名称为 re-e71070b0e0c0
The name of the folder in the zip file is re-e71070b0e0c0
我解压并在项目结构 - Idea 中的全局库下添加了文件夹,但是它不起作用.当我尝试打开一个类时,它只显示字段名称和 /* 编译代码 */
I unzipped this and added the folder under Project Structure - Global Libraries in Idea, however it doesn't work. When I try to open a class it just shows field names and /* compiled code */
. I couldn't find anything in the manual.
Much of the information in this answer is now outdated.
有关在 IntelliJ Idea 中将 JavaFX 与 Java 11+ 结合使用的更多最新信息,请访问:
More up-to-date information on using JavaFX with Java 11+ in IntelliJ Idea, is available at:
- openjfx.io 在标题为JavaFX 和 IntelliJ"的部分中.
- openjfx.io in the section titled: "JavaFX and IntelliJ".
不过,上面链接的文章更侧重于在 IntelliJ 中使用 JavaFX,而不是在 IntelliJ 中查看 JavaFX 库源代码.
Though, the above-linked article is more focused on using JavaFX in IntelliJ rather than viewing JavaFX library source code in IntelliJ.
这些说明仅适用于 JavaFX 2.x 分支,一旦 JDK 8 发布,这些说明将被废弃.
下载源 zip 并解压后,打开 Idea 并按照以下说明操作:
After you have downloaded the source zip and extracted it, open Idea and follow these instructions:
修改 1.7 SDK 的源结构:
Modify the source structure for your 1.7 SDK:
文件 |项目结构 |SDK |源路径
对于解压后的每个子项目,输入 Alt+Insert
等.不是所有的JavaFX 2.x源代码目前是开源的,所以这里只会添加开源的部分.
For each sub-project in the extracted zip, type Alt+Insert
and add the respective source directory. For example rt-e71070b0e0c0javafx-ui-chartssrc
, rt-e71070b0e0c0javafx-ui-commonsrc
, etc. Not all JavaFX 2.x source code is currently open sourced, so this will only add the open sourced portions.
Set the documentation lookup path:
文件 |项目结构 |SDK |文档路径
为文档指定 url :http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/api/
Specify a url for the documentation: http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/api/
在您的 JavaFX 应用程序源中,将光标放在 JavaFX 类用法上,例如 LineChart:
In your JavaFX application source, place your cursor over a JavaFX class usage, for instance LineChart:
按 从下载的 zip 文件中打开源代码文件 LineChart.java.
Press to open the source code file LineChart.java from your downloaded zip.
按 在浏览器中打开 LineChart 上的文档.
Press to open documentation on the LineChart in a browser.
按 可从 IDE 中快速访问文档.
Press to get quick access to documentation from in the IDE.
2013 年 10 月 16 日更新
JDK 8 现在包含 JavaFX 源文件.
JDK 8 now includes JavaFX source files.
告诉 Idea JavaFX 源在哪里:
To tell Idea where JavaFX sources are:
修改 1.8 SDK 的源结构:
Modify the source structure for your 1.8 SDK:
文件 |项目结构 |SDK |源路径
按 添加文件 javafx-src.zip
,该文件位于 JDK 8 发行版的根目录中.
Press to add the file javafx-src.zip
, which is located in the root directory of the JDK 8 distribution.
Set the documentation lookup path:
文件 |项目结构 |SDK |文档路径
为文档指定 url :http://下载.java.net/jdk8/jfxdocs.
Specify a url for the documentation: http://download.java.net/jdk8/jfxdocs.
当 JDK 8 达到通用发布阶段时,JDK 8 JavaFX 文档 URL 可能会更改.
The JDK 8 JavaFX documentation url will likely change when JDK 8 reaches General Availability release stage.
上面的第 3 步提供了键盘快捷键,可用于从您的项目快速访问 JavaFX 源代码和文档.
Step 3 above provides keyboard shortcuts to quickly access the JavaFX sources and documentation from your project.
这篇关于JavaFX 源代码未显示的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!