我想要直接嵌入我的 dojo形式,而不是显示为弹出窗口(如提供;这是因为窗体已经是一个下拉式选择器,只是选择一个日期会比在文本框上再次单击更自然)。
I'd like to have a dijit.form.Calendar embedded directly in my dojo form, rather than appearing as a popup (as dijit.form.DateTextBox provides; this is because the form is already a dropdown selector and just choosing a date would be much more natural than having to click again on the text box)
最简单的方法去做这个?我不介意如果文本框仍然出现并且是可编辑的(尽管这不是必需的) - 但是 dijit.Calendar docs明确表示您不能使用它作为一个表单元素,因为它不提供输入。
What's the easiest way to do this? I don't mind if the text box still appears and is editable (although that's not a requirement) - but the dijit.Calendar docs say explicitly that you can't use it as a form element because it doesn't provide an input.
What I actually did was to create a new dijit widget that stores the value in a hidden text field. The basic idea follows in javascript and template, although the full implementation is more complex as it also includes using a custom calendar widget that also displays the time.
在这个化身中被削减并没有测试。我发现处理正确传递的约束,并且反馈给输入的值不是一件简单的任务。另外 widgetsInTemplate 对于正确加载日历小部件至关重要:
This has been cut down and not tested in this incarnation. I found that handling the constraints being passed through correctly and the value being fed back to the input was not a trivial task. Also widgetsInTemplate was critical to get this to load the calendar widget properly:
dojo.provide("custom.DateSelector"); dojo.require("dijit.form.DateTextBox"); dojo.declare("custom.DateSelector", dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox, { baseClass: "dijitTextBox dijitDateTextBox", _selector: "", type: "hidden", calendarClass: "dijit.Calendar", widgetsInTemplate: true, i18nModule: "custom", i18nBundle: "DateSelector", templateString: dojo.cache("custom", "template/DateSelector.html") _singleNodeTemplate: '<input class=dijit dijitReset dijitLeft dijitInputField" dojoAttachPoint="textbox,focusNode" autocomplete="off" type="${type}" ${!nameAttrSetting} />', value: new Date(), postCreate: function() { this.calendar.parentTextBox = this.textbox; this.inherited(arguments); } });
Then the template looks roughly like this:
<div class="dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitLeft" waiRole="presentation"> <div class="dijitReset dijitInputField dijitInputContainer"> <input class="dijitReset dijitInputInner" dojoAttachPoint='textbox,focusNode' autocomplete="off" ${!nameAttrSetting} type='${type}' constraints="{datePattern: '${constraints.datePattern}', timePattern: '${constraints.timePattern}'}"/> <div dojoType='${calendarClass}' dojoAttachPoint='calendar' id="${id}_calendar" constraints="{datePattern: '${constraints.datePattern}', timePattern: '${constraints.timePattern}'}" value='${value}'/> </div> </div>