


I've incorporated the following line in the CI-build to create a private NuGet package on each build:

nuget pack C:\Projects\Test\Test.vbproj -OutputDirectory \\nas1\NuGet


The AssemblyInfo is read (including the version number) and a NuGet package is created.
I'd like the package to include the .pdb files and not contain a "Content" folder (so only the 'lib').




Unfortunately, I don't think you'll be able to both exclude the content files and include the .pdb files while packing via the project. You could do one or the other.

首先,在 nuspec 文件(的NuGet规范命令使这种快速),并把它放在相同的位置,你的项目。当你收拾你的项目,NuGet.exe将把规范作为补充到项目的信息。

First, make a nuspec file (the nuget spec command makes this quick) and put it in the same location as your project. When you pack your project, NuGet.exe will treat the spec as a supplement to your project's info.

要消除内容文件夹,包装一个项目,也有.nuspec文件,当一个空的<文件/> 中的规范节点将表明您不希望任何内容的文件,即使他们在项目中存在。

To eliminate the content folder, when packing a project that also has a .nuspec file, an empty <files /> node in the spec will indicate that you don't want any content files, even if they exist in the project.


To include the debug files, add something like this to your spec:

    <file src="bin\*.pdb" target="lib\net35\" />


but that would tell the tool that you do have content, and then it would add all the other files, as well. You could, perhaps, make a symbol package for your project, instead.

另一种选择是从规范专门打造(的NuGet包Test.nuspec ),并明确指定要包括的文件。这是更费时,但它可以让你完全控制包的内容。

Another option would be to build exclusively from the spec (nuget pack Test.nuspec), and specify exactly the files you want to include. It's more time consuming, but it gives you complete control over the package's contents.


09-03 03:03