


I have added my blog to code project but i have not found any articles in my blog articles section.


<a href="http://www.codeproject.com" rel="tag">CodeProject</a>


If you don''t want this link visible just use a style to hide it (e.g.style="display:none") – we''ll still pick it up.

锚点中的URL可以是您喜欢的任何URL,但我们认为在代码项目中指向您的博客文章页面会很有用:http://www.codeproject.com/script/Articles/BlogFeedList.aspx?amid=<your member id>

The URL in the anchor can be any URL you like but we thought it would be useful to point to your blog articles page here on code project: http://www.codeproject.com/script/Articles/BlogFeedList.aspx?amid=<your member id>

请注意,博客条目的最小长度为 1000 个字符(HTML和空格除外).此长度以下的任何条目都不会被使用.

Note that there is a minimum length of 1000 characters for blog entries (excluding HTML and whitespaces). Any entries under this length will not be consumed.


Please do not submit blogs other than your own. If you have suggestions on blogs you would like seen here please contact us. We can reach out to the author and ask for their permission.


09-03 02:52