我对此很困惑.我的构建日志显示构建结果,但在相关更改 &相关工作项区域显示所有其他项目的列表.
I am pretty confused over this. My build log is displaying the build result but in the Associated changes & Associated work items area it's displaying all the list form every other projects.
For example, I am the only developer working on a small project and I get the below Build log for my build
蓝色编码变更集是我的项目和红色 &绿色变更集是不同团队的不同项目
where the blue coded changeset is my project and Red & Green changesets are different projects by different teams
感谢 @DaveShaw 解决方案如下.
Thanks to @DaveShaw the solution is as follows.
最初我将 $/的工作区映射到 C:/TFS_Projects,因此我不必映射我的其他团队项目.现在我已经删除了工作区映射并将其保留为 $/到 MyMachineName 然后单独添加项目并解决了问题.
Initially my Workspace mapping of $/ to C:/TFS_Projects so I did not had to map my other team projects. Now I have removed the Workspace mapping and left it as $/ to MyMachineName then added the projects individually and issue is resolved.
My Current Workspace looks like:
这篇关于TFS 2015 构建日志显示来自其他项目的相关更改的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!