


I'm migrating our local TFS to VSTS (Cloud TFS). Everything worked fine so far, but now I want to migrate all the existing workitems to the VSTS.I have searched the internet for a solution and found some articles. They suggested to use some CMD-Line Tools to migrate workitems from TFS, but unfortunately, all of them threw some error messages.


Does anyone have a quick and safe way to migrate the workitems.



TFS has three options for scoping and scaling data - deployments, team project collections, and team projects. Team projects are used to encapsulate the assets of individual software projects, including source code, work items, and so on.

如果您没有自定义工作项,则 OpsHub 也是选项.

If you have no work item customisation, then OpsHub is also anoption.

如果您自定义工作项并且需要保持历史记录,那么您将不得不使用 TFS集成平台.

If you have work item customisation and need keeping histroy ,then you are going to have to use TFS Integration Platform.

您还可以使用某些自定义Powershell脚本或3方工具,例如 VSTS同步迁移工具,用于通过附件迁移WI.

You could also use some customize powershell script or 3-party tool such as VSTS Sync Migration Tools for migrating WI with attachments.

更多方法和详细说明,请查看此问题中的 jessehouwing的答案:

More ways and detail explanation please have a look at jessehouwing's answer in this question: How to migrate work items from TFS to VS Team Services (VS Online)


09-03 02:31