



我在柏林的Delphi 10.1中有一个简单的项目.在项目设置中,我一次选中了预发布".

I have a simple project in Delphi 10.1 Berlin. In the project settings, I have at one point checked on "Pre-Release".


Now I have two things that no matter how many times I change them, I come back and it's not saved. These are:

  • 预发布"复选框(再次重新选中)
  • 模块版本的发布号(从 0 更改为 1 )
  • Pre-Release checkbox (gets re-checked again)
  • Module Version's Release number (changes from 0 to 1)

在屏幕快照中请注意,下面的文件版本"显示了保存时的正确版本号 0.2.0 .但是在上方, Release 号已更改为 1 .

Note in the screenshot that the "File Version" down below shows the correct version number from when I saved it, 0.2.0. But above, the Release number has changed to 1.

实际上,我删除了在所有其他构建配置中包括版本设置的选项.它仅存在于 Win32-Release 构建中.

In fact, I removed the option to include version settings in all other build configurations. It only exists under the Win32 - Release build.



It appears actually nothing is being saved! For example, I changed the "Auto increment build" option, and that did not stay either. And my entries also get lost if I so much as navigate to a different build configuration, and switch back again. The only thing that it retains is the grid on the bottom.


更多奇怪的行为-如果将 Release 设置为较大的数字(例如 2 ),它将保存该代码.但是,如果我将其设置为 0 ,则会将其重置为 1 .好像不希望它是 0 (尽管这是新项目的默认设置).

Some more strange behavior - if I set the Release to a larger number such as 2, it saves it. But if I set it to 0, it resets it back to 1. As if it doesn't want it to be 0 (although that's the default on a new project).



I do not know how or why this happened, but I was able to resolve this by re-enabling the version information on the "All Configurations" level. Once I activated that, now it's remembering whatever I change in the "Release" level.


09-03 02:27