本文介绍了克隆ASP.NET MVC从GitHub 3应用表明旁每Nuget'd包黄色惊叹号的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这是来自通过的NuGet的方式每DLL显示了对从GitHub克隆的ASP.NET MVC项目后,一个黄色背景的感叹号。这个问题似乎是路径是绝对的,而不是相对的,这意味着它显示了初始开发者的绝对路径这在我的情况比我的不同。

Every DLL that comes by way of NuGet shows an exclamation mark against a yellow background after cloning the ASP.NET MVC project from github. The problem appears to be the PATH which is absolute rather than relative, meaning that it shows the initial developer's absolute path which in my case is different than mine.



Is there a way to force Nuget to use relative paths? Or, is there a way to simply use Nuget to update all of these from within the project? Or, is there a better way to work with NuGet in a github environment?




Enable Package Restore on your project. That will cause Nuget to download any missing dlls on build. They shouldn't be absolute anyway but this will take care of it if they're missing.

您可以右键单击在Visual Studio中的解决方案,然后选择启用的NuGet包还原

You can right click the solution in Visual Studio and choose "Enable Nuget Package Restore"


这篇关于克隆ASP.NET MVC从GitHub 3应用表明旁每Nuget'd包黄色惊叹号的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 02:18