$ b
function create< T>(c:{new():T;}在这个示例中,构造函数不接受参数。 ):T {
return new c();
return c(p1,p2);
{new():T; }
module Factory {
导出函数createInstance< T扩展Wibble,K扩展IRaw1>(ctor:{new(raw:K):T} :K):T {
return new ctor(data);
var raw1 = {Foo:foo}作为IRaw1;
var d1 = Factory.createInstance(Wibble,raw1);
var raw2 = {Foo:foo,Bar:bar}作为IRaw2;
var d2 = Factory.createInstance(Wobble,raw2);
This is the sample from the official Typescript documentation for a generic factory. In this sample the constructor does not take parameters.
function create<T>(c: {new(): T; }): T {
return new c();
How could I rewrite this so that in addition to a type, the factory method accepts other parameters and passes them when it invokes the constructor of the class it is instantiating? So the return statement would look something like this:
return c(p1, p2);
Something that wasn't clear to me is that this
{new(): T; }
is effectively an interface, inasmuch as it defines the terms of assessment for compatibility of a proposed class, incidentally also declaring the constructor signature. I'm going to answer my own question.
This is what I would do:
module Factory {
export function createInstance<T extends Wibble, K extends IRaw1>(ctor: { new (raw: K): T }, data: K): T {
return new ctor(data);
var raw1 = { Foo: "foo" } as IRaw1;
var d1 = Factory.createInstance(Wibble, raw1);
var raw2 = { Foo: "foo", Bar: "bar" } as IRaw2;
var d2 = Factory.createInstance(Wobble, raw2);
If your constructors need more arguments, then just add them to the one object you're passing to the ctor, this way you won't need to add more generic constraints per argument.