


I tried to set minmax() for the grid-template-rows and interestingly enough, the outcome was that grid-rows extended to the max of the minmax() instead of min.


How could we make grid rows stay at the minimum declared size, and later if more content is added - the grid row would expand to the maximum declared size and not more?


body {
  background: gray;
  border: solid black 1px;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr 1fr;
  grid-template-rows: minmax(50px, 150px);

aside {
  border-right: solid 1px red;

aside.homepage {
  background: blue;
<aside class="homepage">



It's clear that the major browsers default to the max value in the minmax() function.

规范的定义尚不清楚如何处理– minmax默认值? –应该处理:

The spec definition is not clear on how this matter – min or max default? – should be handled:

定义一个大小范围,该范围大于或等于 min 并且小于或 等于 max .

Defines a size range greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max.

如果 max< min ,则忽略 max 并处理minmax(min,max) min .

If max < min, then max is ignored and minmax(min,max) is treated as min.

最大为<flex>值可设置轨道的弹性系数;它是 至少无效.

As a maximum, a <flex> value sets the track’s flex factor; it is invalid as a minimum.



Here's an alternative approach to the problem:

  • 将行高设置为auto(基于内容的高度)
  • 管理网格项目的最小和最大高度
  • set the row height to auto (content-based height)
  • manage the min and max heights on the grid item
body {
  background: gray;
  border: solid black 1px;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr 1fr;
  grid-template-rows: auto;  /* adjustment */

aside {
  border-right: solid 1px red;

aside.homepage {
  background: blue;
  min-height: 50px;   /* new */
  max-height: 150px;  /* new */
<aside class="homepage">


09-03 02:06