



背景:我想在我的应用程序来实现信使系统,和我正在写一个自定义的的CursorAdapter 显示的邮件在的ListView 在聊天窗口中。我想使用的传入和传出消息(即光标保存在SQLite的行中的信息)不同行的布局。每行中有相同的元件具有相同的ID,但它们的排列不同。

Background: I'm trying to implement a messenging system in my app, and I'm writing a custom CursorAdapter to display the messages in a ListView in the chat window. I want to use a different row layout for incoming and outgoing messages (information that is saved in the SQLite row in the cursor). Each row has the same elements in it with the same IDs, but they are arranged differently.

问题:目前,我已经重写 NewView的() bindView()。当的ListView 首先填充,它创建的所有查看取值完美,检查每一行,看看它要么传入或传出,和充气适当的XML文件。然而,当我滚动,或一个新的消息被添加到窗口,适配器回收查看 S为错了行。我会重写 getView(),但它不是通过光标作为参数,所以我也没办法的了解该行是否应该传入或传出。

The Problem: Currently, I have overridden newView() and bindView(). When the ListView is first populated, it creates all of the Views perfectly, checking each row to see if it's either incoming or outgoing, and inflating the proper XML file. However, when I scroll or a new message is added to the window, the adapter recycles Views for the wrong rows. I would override getView(), but it is not passed the Cursor as a parameter, so I have no way of knowing whether the row should be incoming or outgoing.


I'm not looking for code, but rather, some suggestion for an elegant implementation. Thanks in advance!



Here are two possible solutions:


(1) Use a single layout for all items, which you can adjust when binding to show as desired. The most straight-forward way would just to have the root view be a FrameLayout which contains N children for each of the different states, and you make one of them visible and all others gone when binding. Of course you want to take care to not let this cause your items to explode in the number of views they contain.


(2) Implement Adapter.getItemViewType() http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/Adapter.html#getItemViewType(int) to tell the list view about the different types of items you have so it will recycle the correct one.


09-03 01:54