string SubString方法抛出异常,而不是返回整个字符串.
string SubString method throws exception rather than returning whole string.
ANSWER: Microsoft are morons - you should return the string not an exception - you are morons!!!
自从大约15到20年前那位受阻的胖子接手(开发人员!开发人员!开发人员!")以来,Micro $迅速下滑,以至于尽管C#和其他各种事情正在酝酿中,您仍然摧毁自己 以一个节的速度.
Ever since that retarded fat bloke took over ("Developers! Developers! Developers!) about 15 to 20 years ago Micro$ have gone downhill so rapidly that despite C# and various other things that were in the pipeline you are still destroying yourselves at a rate of knots.
为什么有人会发明DLL地狱,并在此过程中声称他们正在删除它(当它出现之前,它们还不存在(用Silver Silver !! ite开发的任何人都知道我的意思.)
Why would anyone invent DLL hell and in the process claim they were removing it (when it had never existed before they came up with the phrase (anyone who has developed with Silver!!ite knows what I am on about.)