

本文介绍了Tkinter Grid:如何定位小部件,使它们不会粘在一起的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在我的测试 UI 的左上角和右上角创建两个 Label 小部件.问题是小部件粘在一起,我希望它们之间有空间.

I'm trying to create two Label widgets that are in the top left and top right corners of my test UI. The problem is that the widgets are stuck together and I'd like there to be space between them.

在我的研究中,我遇到了使用粘性、padx 和 pady 选项的建议.但是无论我传递给 .grid() 什么参数,我似乎都无法在我的小部件之间创建空间.我知道无论两个小部件之间的列数和行数如何,如果所述行/列是空的,那么就好像它们不存在并且小部件看起来粘在一起.

In my research, I came across suggestions to use the sticky, padx, and pady options. But no matter what arguments I pass to .grid() , I can't seem to be able to create space between my widgets. I understand that regardless of the number of columns and rows between two widgets, if said rows/columns are empty, then its as if they didn't exist and the widgets appear glued together.

使用 .grid() 方法,我如何定位小部件以使它们不会粘在一起?

Using the .grid() method, how can I position widgets so that they aren't stuck together?


from Tkinter import *

class MyApp:
    def __init__(self, parent):
        self.myParent = parent
        self.main_container = Frame(parent)
        self.main_container.grid(row=0, rowspan=2, column=0, columnspan=4)

        self.top_frame = Frame(self.main_container)
        self.top_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4)

        self.top_left = Frame(self.top_frame)
        self.top_left.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2)

        self.top_right = Frame(self.top_frame)
        self.top_right.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=2)

        self.bottom_frame = Frame(self.main_container)
        self.bottom_frame.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=4)

        self.top_left_label = Label(self.top_left, text="Top Left")
        self.top_left_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W', padx=2, pady=2)

        self.top_right_label = Label(self.top_right, text="Top Right")
        self.top_right_label.grid(row=0, column=4, sticky='E', padx=2, pady=2)

        self.text_box = Text(self.bottom_frame, height=5, width=40)
        self.text_box.grid(row=0, column=0)

root = Tk()
root.title("Test UI")
myapp = MyApp(root)



I tried the following but it did not work:

    self.top_left = Frame(self.top_frame)
    self.top_left.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2)
    for c in range(2):
        self.top_left.columnconfigure(c, weight=2)

    self.top_right = Frame(self.top_frame)
    self.top_right.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=2)
    for c in range(2):
        self.top_right.columnconfigure(c, weight=2)


你需要使用 grid_columnconfigure 给中间的列一些权重.与其他列相比,它们的重量更大,它们会膨胀和收缩以填充您拥有的任何额外空间.但是,在您的情况下,确实没有必要使用网格.GUI 中的所有内容都沿着特定的边对齐,pack 更适合这种情况.

You need to use grid_columnconfigure to give the columns in the middle some weight. With more weight than the other columns, they will expand and contract to fill any extra space you have. However, in your case there's really no need to use grid. Everything in your GUI is aligned along particular sides for which pack is a more natural fit.

我将展示如何同时使用 pack 和 grid,从 pack 开始,因为它是最简单的.即使您坚持使用 grid,请通读下一节以了解如何将一个大的布局问题分解为许多较小的布局问题.

I'll show how to use both pack and grid, starting with pack since it's the easiest. Even if you insist on using grid, read through the next section to understand how to break one big layout problem into many smaller layout problems.

在 Tkinter 中进行布局的最佳方式是分而治之".从最外面的小部件开始,按照您想要的方式获取它们.然后,一次解决这些问题.

The best way to do layout in Tkinter is "divide and conquer". Start with the outermost widgets and get them exactly the way you want. Then, tackle each of these one at a time.

在您的情况下,您有一个最外面的小部件 - 主容器.由于它是窗口中唯一的小部件,因此 pack 是让它填满整个容器的最简单方法.您也可以使用网格,但它需要一些额外的工作:

In your case you have one outermost widget - the main container. Since it is the only widget in the window, pack is the simplest way to get it to fill the whole container. You can use grid as well, but it requires a little extra work:

self.main_container = Frame(parent. background="bisque")
self.main_container.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)

它有助于暂时为您的框架赋予独特的颜色,以便您可以在开发过程中将它们可视化.将上述代码添加到您的 __init__ 中,运行您的应用,然后调整窗口大小以查看主框架是否正确增长和缩小.

It helps to temporarily give your frames distinctive colors so you can visualize them as you develop. Add just the above code to your __init__, run your app, then resize the window to see that the main frame properly grows and shrinks.

接下来,您有两个框架——top_frame 和bottom_frame.根据他们的名字和你尝试使用网格的方式判断,我认为他们应该在 x 方向填充 GUI.另外,我猜顶部框架是某种工具栏,底部框架是 GUI 的真正主要"部分.因此,让我们让底部小部件占据所有额外的空间.

Next, you have two frames -- top_frame and bottom_frame. By their names and judging by how you've attempted to use grid, I assume they should fill the GUI in the x direction. Also, I'm guessing the top frame is some sort of toolbar, and the bottom frame is the real "main" part of your GUI. Thus, let's make the bottom widget take up all the extra space.

由于它们彼此堆叠在一起,pack 再次成为自然的选择.添加以下代码——并且仅添加以下代码——以确保这些区域占据您期望的窗口部分,并且它们具有适当的调整大小行为.

Since these are stacked on top of each other, pack is again the natural choice. Add the following code -- and only the following code -- to make sure these areas occupy the parts of the window that you expect, and that they have the proper resize behavior.

    self.top_frame = Frame(self.main_container, background="green")
    self.bottom_frame = Frame(self.main_container, background="yellow")
    self.top_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x", expand=False)
    self.bottom_frame.pack(side="bottom", fill="both", expand=True)

接下来是标签的框架.同样,这些沿着容器边缘占据空间,所以 pack 最有意义.再一次,添加以下代码,运行您的程序,并确保内容仍然正确调整大小并填充窗口的正确部分:

Next comes the frames for the labels. Again, these occupy space along the edges of their container so pack makes the most sense. And again, add just the following bit of code, run your program, and make sure things are still resizing properly and filling the right parts of the window:

    self.top_left = Frame(self.top_frame, background="pink")
    self.top_right = Frame(self.top_frame, background="blue")
    self.top_left.pack(side="left", fill="x", expand=True)
    self.top_right.pack(side="right", fill="x", expand=True)

接下来,您有了角落"标签.同样,由于容器只是一行小部件,pack 使它变得容易.由于您想要角落中的标签,我们将为每个设置稍微不同的 sticky 属性:

Next, you have your "corner" labels. Again, since the container is but a single row of widgets, pack makes it easy. Since you want the labels in the corners, we'll set the sticky attribute a little different for each:

    self.top_left_label = Label(self.top_left, text="Top Left")
    self.top_right_label = Label(self.top_right, text="Top Right")

最后,您有了文本小部件.它填满了整个底部框架,所以 pack 再次成为我们的朋友:

Finally, you have the text widget. It fills the entire bottom frame, so once again pack is our friend:

    self.text_box = Text(self.bottom_frame, height=5, width=40, background="gray")
    self.text_box.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)


您在原始代码中使用了 grid 并询问了如何修复它.为什么我在我的例子中使用了 pack?

pack or grid?

You used grid for your original code and asked how to fix it. Why did I use pack for my examples?

当您使用 pack 时,所有配置选项都可以包含在一个调用中.使用 grid 以及将小部件放入其容器中的同时,您还必须注意为各个列和行赋予权重",以便它们正确调整大小.当您只是将小部件堆叠在一起或将它们排成一行时,pack 更易于使用.

When you use pack, all of the configuration options can be wrapped up in a single call. With grid along with putting the widgets in their containers you must also take care to give your various columns and rows "weight" so that they resize properly. When you are simply stacking widgets on top of each other or aligning them in a row, pack is much easier to use.

在我的 GUI 中,我几乎总是使用 gridpack 的组合.他们都很强大,并且擅长不同的事情.唯一要记住的——这很重要——是你不能在同一个父级中使用它们.以您的代码为例,您不能对 top_left 框架使用 pack ,对 top_right 框架使用 grid ,因为它们共享同一个父级.但是,您可以在同一个应用程序中混合使用它们.

In my GUIs, I almost always use a combination of grid and pack. They are both powerful, and excel at different things. The only thing to remember -- and this is crucial -- is that you can't use them in the same parent. Using your code as an example, you can't use pack for the top_left frame and grid for the top_right frame, since they both share the same parent. You can, however, mix them within the same application.

好吧,也许您真的想使用 grid:也许这是学校作业,或者您只想一次专注于一个几何管理器.这很酷.这是我将如何做到的.同样,你必须分而治之:

Ok, so maybe you really want to use grid: maybe this is a school assignment, or maybe you just want to focus on one geometry manager at a time. That's cool. Here's how I would do it. Again, you must divide and conquer:

从主框架开始.用以下几行替换我们打包主容器的 one 语句.请注意,我们必须在 parent 上配置行和列,而不是我们创建的框架.

Start with the main frame. Replace the one statement where we pack the main container with the following lines. Notice that we have to configure the rows and columns on the parent, not the frame that we created.

    self.main_container.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
    self.myParent.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
    self.myParent.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)

好的,现在是顶部和底部框架.删除 pack,并添加以下几行.您仍然只有一列,但这次有几行.注意哪一行的权重为 1:

Ok, now for the top and bottom frames. Remove the pack, and add the following lines. You still only have a single column, but this time there are a couple of rows. Notice which row gets a weight of 1:

    self.top_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="ew")
    self.bottom_frame.grid(row=1, column=0,sticky="nsew")
    self.main_container.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
    self.main_container.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)

角框——终于有一个多列的容器了!让我们在中间创建第三列来填补所有松弛.将 pack 语句替换为以下内容,并密切注意给定的权重":

The corner frames -- at last, a container with more than one column! Let's create a third column in the middle to take up all the slack. Replace the pack statements with the following, paying close attention to what is given "weight":

    self.top_left.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="w")
    self.top_right.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="e")
    self.top_frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)

接下来是框架中的标签.由于我们不需要它们展开,我们可以保持默认权重为零.您可能认为两个标签都在第 0 列中很奇怪.请记住,它们位于不同的父级中,并且它们是父级中唯一的小部件,因此每个小部件中只有一列:

Next, the labels in their frames. Since we don't need them to expand, we can keep the default weight of zero. You may think it odd that both labels are in column zero. Remember that they are in different parents, and they are the only widgets in their parents so there's only one column in each:

    self.top_left_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="w")
    self.top_right_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="e")

最后我们有了文本小部件,它是底部框架中唯一的小部件.将最后的 pack 语句替换为以下内容:

Finally we have the text widget which is the only widget in the bottom frame. Replace the final pack statements with the following:

    self.text_box.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
    self.bottom_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
    self.bottom_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)




Laying out widgets is easy, but you have to be systematic about it. Think about what you are doing, organize your widgets into groups, and then tackle the groups one at a time. When you do that, it should become apparent which geometry manager you should use.

如您所见,grid 需要多几行代码,但当您确实拥有网格时,它是正确的选择.在您的情况下,您已经将您的 GUI 细分为多个部分,因此即使最终结果是一个网格,每个部分要么被打包在另一个部分的顶部或下方,要么位于左侧或右侧边缘.在这些情况下,pack 更容易使用,因为您不必担心行和列的权重.

As you can see, grid requires a few more lines of code but it's the right choice when you really do have a grid. In your case you had already sub-divided your GUI into sections, and so even though the end result was a grid, each section was either packed on top or below another, or to the left or right edges. In these cases, pack is a bit easier to use since you don't have to worry about row and column weights.

这篇关于Tkinter Grid:如何定位小部件,使它们不会粘在一起的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 01:08