

我有一个问题我想从序和preorder创建后序,但我不瓦纳使用重建树,我想只有递归做到这一点。 I $ C C这个$,在这一刻,有我的,右边的树在preorder(部分第一个字符在preorder的根,我发现这序,我有左,右身边,我recurency转化为右侧),但我有树的左边的一个问题。我不也没办法做到这一点。有人可以给我一些建议或code?请帮助:)


            焦炭C = pre.charAt(开始); //在preorder第一个字符是根
            INT九=查找(pre中,C); //如果我们发现这个字符在序翻译,我们知道在哪里的左右侧树
            叠+ = C;
            如果(开始== 0安培;&安培; FLAGA ==真){
                左= pre.substring(1,IX + 1);
                右= pre.substring(IX + 1,结束);
                FLAGA = FALSE;
//的System.out.println(堆栈+ STOS);
            如果(开始< right.length() -  1){
                返回(右,中,启动+ 1,结束 -  1);
            返回 ;
        INT b_l = b.length个();
        的for(int i = 0; I< b_l ++ I)
            如果(b.charAt(一)== C)

第一个测试:字符串pre =FBADCEGIH;串序=ABCDEFGHI;答案应该是:// A,C,E,D,B,H,I,G,F我的问题是树的左边,我没有任何想法要做到这一点正确的,我不知道为preorder所有的情况我的code工作和序。

I have a question i want to create postorder from inorder and preorder, but i don't wana use reconstruction of tree, i want only recursive do this. I code this, and at this moment, i have a part of, right side of tree in preorder( First char in preorder is root, i find this in inorder, and i have left and right side, i recurency translate to right side), but i have a problem with left side of tree. I don't have no idea to do this. Can someone give me some of suggestion or code ? Please help :)

 public static String a(String pre, String in, int start, int end) {
            char c = pre.charAt(start); //first char in preorder is root
            int ix = find(pre, in, c); // if we find this char in inorder translation we know where is left and right side of tree
            stack += c;
            if (start == 0 && flaga == true) {
                left = pre.substring(1, ix + 1);
                right = pre.substring(ix + 1, end);
                flaga = false;
                return a(right, in, 0, end);
            String reverse = new StringBuffer(stos).reverse().toString();
    //stack to see
//        System.out.println("STACK " + stos);
            if (start < right.length()-1) {
                return a(right, in, start + 1, end - 1);
            return "";
    public static int find(String a, String b, char c) {
        int b_l = b.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < b_l; ++i)
            if (b.charAt(i) == c)
                return i;
        return -1;

First Test :String pre = "FBADCEGIH";String inorder = "ABCDEFGHI";ANswer should be : //A, C, E, D, B, H, I, G, FMy problem is with left side of tree, i don't have any idea to do this correct, and i'm not sure my code work for all situation of preorder and inorder.


09-03 00:59