

我在Sublime Text 3中安装了插件Sublimerge.为了比较两个文件,Sublimerge打开一个新窗口(但没有任何菜单).可以,因为原始的Sublime窗口仍然存在.

I have the plugin Sublimerge installed in Sublime Text 3. In order to compare two files Sublimerge opens a new window (but without any menu). That is fine since the original Sublime window is still there.


Unfortunately the diff-window was the last one I closed and when I restart Sublime it opens the diff-view without menu.


Question is: How can I restore the default Sublime view?


To make my problem visible, this is what it looks like now:

Sublime在Linux Mint上运行,并设置为德语键盘.

Sublime is running on Linux Mint and is set to a German keyboard.


如果您指的是sidebar,则按 + , + 将其打开/关闭.

If you are referring to the sidebar, you press +,+ to toggle it on/off.

要关闭升华差异窗口,只需按 + .

To close the sublimerge diff window, just press +.

要返回到单个窗格视图,请按 + + .

To go back to a single pane view, press ++.

最终,您可以通过command palette( + + )访问FileDiffs菜单,然后键入menu .

Ultimately, you can access the FileDiffs menu via the command palette (++) and type in menu.


09-03 00:59