




I want to create an appwidget in which I want to show some data from a resource in a list view. I am new in android so I am not getting any idea. Please help




Basically you can't use a ListView with an app widget on phones. It's not a supported View (for a list of supported ones, look here).


The true story is a bit more complicated, there are two exceptions to this rule:

首页的,你可以用它在Honeycomb(Android 3.0以上版本),不过目前只有那粒。我从来没有这个工作,从短检索,文档似乎有点缺乏的,发现几乎没有任何的这个(这是的应用小工具 - 也有链接到几样)

First, you can use it on Honeycomb (Android 3.0+), but thats only tablets at the moment. I never have worked with this and from a short search, the doc seems a bit lacking here, found hardly any evidence of this (it's noted inside the Android 3.0 Platform API overview under "App widgets" - there are also links to a few samples).


Second, some alternative launchers do support the ListView. I don't know exactly which ones, heres a quote from the "Pure messenger widget" description in the Android market:


它不包括专有发射器支持列表视图在一个未公开的方式 - 例如, HTC Sense的。

That means most custom launchers that you can install from the Market.It does not include proprietary launchers which support ListViews in an undocumented manner - e.g. HTC Sense.


I'm not sure if you can do some compatibility testing for alt-launchers. You may use res specifiers to split Honeycomb devices from the rest, but even then you are still incompatible with many vanilla devices or default launchers from the manufacturers.


To sum it up: It's a very bad situation for ListViews at the moment.


(Weak alternative: Of course you can build a "fake listview" that looks like a list, but is a static layout out of the supported Views. But that won't scroll.)

注:我知道这是不是如何真正做到这一点更是你能的答案 - 这是实际问题。我认为它还是有用的,因为它是一个奇怪的局面。你经常看到列表视图的工作,但你不能让它运行可以迷惑人的新的平台。我希望这是明确的,当你能够使用它。

Note: I'm aware that this is more of an "can you" answer than how to actually do it - which is the actual question. I think it's still useful since it is a weird situation. You see often that ListViews work, but you can't get it to run which may confuse people new to the platform. I hope this makes clear, when you are able to use it.


09-03 00:44