





  input ClientInput {short_name:字符串full_name:字符串地址:字符串电子邮件:字符串位置:字符串}输入客户{id:字符串... ClientInput} 



 类型客户端{_id:字串short_name:字符串full_name:字符串地址:字符串电子邮件:字符串位置:字符串}客户端{上的ClientFields片段short_name:字符串full_name:字符串地址:字符串电子邮件:字符串位置:字符串}输入ClientInput {... ClientFields} 



TL; DR:尚不存在一种允许字段在对象类型和输入对象类型之间共享的机制.片段只能在客户端组成查询时使用.



不存在允许在Type和Input Type服务器端之间共享字段的类似机制.这在很大程度上可能是设计使然,因为即使Type字段和Input Type字段都具有某种 type ,它们也可能具有其他属性.例如,输入类型"字段可以具有默认值,而类型"字段不存在该属性.同样,类型"字段具有解析器和参数,而输入类型"字段则没有.


  const sharedClientFields =`short_name:字符串full_name:字符串地址:字符串电子邮件:字符串位置:字符串`const schema =`输入客户{_id:字串$ {sharedClientFields}}输入ClientInput {$ {sharedClientFields}}` 

A very common use case in GraphQL is creating an object with a mutation, and receiving the exact same fields back, plus and ID returned by the database. Here's a related question asking about this.

My question is, how can this pattern be simplified to avoid repeated fields? I've tried reusing the input type as a fragment,

input ClientInput {
  short_name: String
  full_name: String
  address: String
  email: String
  location: String

type Client {
  id: String

...but that failed with

All the documentation and blog posts I've seen on Fragments always creates them on an existing type. That means still repeating all but the ID field:

type Client {
  _id: String
  short_name: String
  full_name: String
  address: String
  email: String
  location: String

fragment ClientFields on Client {
  short_name: String
  full_name: String
  address: String
  email: String
  location: String

input ClientInput {

How is that any better?


TL;DR: A mechanism for allowing fields to be shared between an object type and an input object type just does not exist. Fragments can only be used client-side when composing queries.

From the specification:

The intent behind fragments is that you may have any number of saved queries that query the same type -- you don't want to have to update 20 different queries if the schema changes or you decide you don't need a certain field anymore.

A similar mechanism for allowing fields to be shared between a Type and an Input Type server-side just does not exist. This is likely largely by design because even though a Type field and an Input Type field both have some kind of type, they may have other properties. For example, Input Type fields can have a default value, while that property does not exist for a Type field. Similarly, Type fields have resolvers and arguments, which Input Type fields do not.

If you really want to keep things DRY, there may be workarounds available, depending on what kind of GraphQL server you're running. If it's a GraphQL.js server that uses a schema created from one or more SDL strings, for example, you can just use template literals:

const sharedClientFields = `
    short_name: String
    full_name: String
    address: String
    email: String
    location: String
const schema = `
  type Client {
    _id: String

  type ClientInput {


09-03 00:35