I am developing a component which needs to process the live feed and broadcast the data to the listeners in pretty fast manner ( with about 100 nano second level accuracy, even less than that if I can do that) Currently I am raising an event from my code which subscriber can subscribe to. However because in C# event handlers run on the same thread which raises the event, my thread which raises the event will be blocked until all subscribers finish processing the event. I do not have control on subscribers' code, so they can possibly do any time consuming operations in event handler, which may block the thread which is broadcasting.
What can I do so that I can broadcast the data to other subscribers but can still broadcast the stuff quite fast??
100 ns is a very tough target to hit. I believe it will take a deep understanding of what you're doing and why to hit that kind of performance.
edit:I should also mention that you need to be running on a real-time operating system to give tight performance guarantees to your users.