

我的项目有两个WPF窗体:Form 1和Form。在Form1我有1按钮调窗体2,textBox1的,TextBox2中,textBox3,textBox4,窗体2只有一个文本框和一个保存按钮。所以,当我点击按钮,它显示窗体2。 TextBox中我做一个模板文本,如:

My project have two WPF Forms: Form1 and Form2. In Form1 I have 1 button to call Form2, textBox1, textBox2, textBox3, textBox4, Form2 has only one textBox and a Save button. So when I click button, it show Form2. In textBox I make a template text like:

"blablabla %txt1% blablabla %txt2% blabla %txt3% blabla"


I click Save button to Save it. When return Form1, textBox4 will display content in template text in which %txt1%, %txt2%,%txt3% will change depend on textBox1, textBox2, textBox3. I intend to use MultiBinding to bind content in textBox1,2,3 into textBox4, it like that:

<TextBox Name="textBox4">
  <MultiBinding StringFormat = "blablabla {0} blablabla {1} blabla {2} blabla"
   <Binding ElementName = "textBox1" Path="Text"/>
   <Binding ElementName = "textBox2" Path="Text"/>
   <Binding ElementName = "textBox3" Path="Text"/>


"blablabla {0} blablabla {1} blabla {2} blabla"


from textBox in Form2 and put it to StringFormat?



This is complete code how to get value from form 2 and use converter to display result in form 1

  1. 在表格2,并从文本框中的值

  1. in form 2 and get the value from textbox


//open form 2 and get the value from textbox

private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var form2 = new Form2 {Owner = this};

        this.formatTemplate.Text = form2.DataContext as string;



in the form 2 set close button and send textbox value to form 1

private void btnClose_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        this.DataContext = textBox1.Text;
        this.DialogResult = true;


        <local:Converter x:Key="converter" />

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
        <TextBox Text="one" x:Name="textBox1" />
        <TextBox Text="two" x:Name="textBox2"  />
        <TextBox Text="three" x:Name="textBox3" />
        <TextBox Text="" x:Name="formatTemplate" Visibility="Collapsed" />

        <TextBox x:Name="textBox4" >
            <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource converter}">
                <Binding ElementName = "textBox1" Path="Text"/>
                <Binding ElementName = "textBox2" Path="Text"/>
                <Binding ElementName = "textBox3" Path="Text"/>
                <Binding ElementName="formatTemplate" Path="Text" />
        <Button Content="Button" Height="25" Name="button1" Width="155" Click="button1_Click" />


public class Converter : IMultiValueConverter
    public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var formatsource = values[3] as string;  // text value in textboxt formatTemplate
        var re = new Regex(@"%[A-Za-z0-9]+%"); //match any text surrounded by % sign
        var count = 0;
        foreach (var m in re.Matches(formatsource))
           formatsource= re.Replace(formatsource, values[count++] as string, 1);  // replace one match at the time

        return formatsource;

    public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();


09-03 00:26