




In trying to figure out the scroll position for a UIWebView, I'm attaching a listener in the HTML that will call back to the main app. I attach the javascript listener like:

window.onscroll = function reportScroll() {
    var sY = window.pageYOffset;
    alert('Scroll pos: '+sY);  // Would evetually trigger a URL or something

这个事件似乎只是触发了一旦减速结束,在OS 3.2(iPad)上轻弹滚动结束时。但是这样:似乎表示它应该在单个手指平底锅的末端触发。我真的需要知道那个锅何时完成。

This event only seems to be triggered at the end of a flick scroll on OS 3.2 (iPad), once the deceleration has ended. However this: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/HandlingEvents/HandlingEvents.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006511-SW7 seems to indicate that it should be triggered at the end of a single finger pan as well. I really need to know when that pan completes as well.


根据 Safari iPhone不会在窗口上触发 onscroll 事件,但是而是在文档(和任何其他元素)。我敢打赌Safari iPad会做同样的事情。

According to QuirksMode Safari iPhone doesn't fire onscroll event on window, but rather on the document (and any other element). I would bet Safari iPad does the same thing.


09-03 00:16