I have 5 astronomy images in python, each for a different wavelength, therefore they are of different angular resolutions and grid sizes and in order to compare them so that i can create temperature maps i need them to be the same angular resolution and grid size.
I have managed to Gaussian convolve each image to the same angular resolution as the worst one, however i am having trouble finding a method to re-grid each image in python and wondered if anyone knew how to go about doing this?
I wish to re-grid the images to the same grid size as the worst quality image and so i can use that as a reference image if required. Thank you
如果图像标题具有正确的世界坐标系数据,则可以使用reproject包对图像进行重新采样: http://reproject.readthedocs.org/en/stable/
If the image headers have the correct World Coordinate System data, you can use the reproject package to resample the images: http://reproject.readthedocs.org/en/stable/