If a developer encrypts a connection string app.config section using RSAProtectedConfigurationProvider on their own machine, and this is subsequently deployed to a user's workstation, can that user's workstation (or server, for that matter), decrypt the connection string automatically?
请问某种重要的出口/安装要求?这是如何运作的? 我意识到,这不是防弹的。的我在寻找的部署是否很容易和/或与此类加密的连接字符串工作的建议。
Would some kind of key export/installation be required? How does this work? I realize that it's not bulletproof. I'm looking for advice on whether or not the deployment would be easy and/or work with such an encrypted connection string.
这是可能的。有API来做到这一点(看 System.Security.Cryptography
It is possible. There are APIs to do it (look at the System.Security.Cryptography
namespace), or from the command line you can use aspnet_regiis:
aspnet_regiis -pc -exp : create an exportable key pair
aspnet_regiis -px : export an RSA key pair to an XML file
aspnet_regiis -pi : import an RSA key pair from an XML file
aspnet_regiis -pa : add access for an account to a key container
Of course, when using encryption, you are simply substituting the problem of protecting data (your connection string) by a problem of protecting the key.
In your example, as you are aware since you say you know it's not bulletproof, the user will need to have access to the key container so will be able to decrypt the encrypted connection string.
In addition, anyone who gets hold of the XML file containing the exported key pair will be able to do so.
The deployment procedure would be something like:
- 创建开发者工作站上的导出密钥(为aspnet_regiis -pc -exp)
- 加密使用此键开发工作站上配置部分
- 项导出到一个XML文件(aspnet_regiis的-px)
- XML文件复制到目标机器
- 从目标计算机上的XML文件的密钥(aspnet_regiis的-pi)
- 提供用户帐户的读取访问密钥在目标机器上(为aspnet_regiis -pa)
使用受保护的配置提供加密的部分,如 RSAProtectedConfigurationProvider
Sections encrypted using a protected configuration provider such as RSAProtectedConfigurationProvider
will be decrypted automatically, provided the Windows identity under which the application is running has read permission for the RSA key container.