




How do I pass more than just the IAsyncResult into AsyncCallback?


var req = (HttpWebRequest)iAreq;
req.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(iEndGetResponse), req);

private void iEndGetResponse(IAsyncResult iA, bool iWantInToo) { /*...*/ }

我想例如变量布尔iWantInToo 中传递。我不知道如何将它添加到新的AsyncCallback(iEndGetResponse)

I would like to pass in example variable bool iWantInToo. I don't know how to add that to new AsyncCallback(iEndGetResponse).


您必须使用对象的状态,它传递,现在,你传递在 REQ 参数 - 但你可以,相反,通过在包含它和布尔值的对象。

You have to use the object state to pass it in. Right now, you're passing in the req parameter - but you can, instead, pass in an object containing both it and the boolean value.

例如(使用.NET 4的元组 - 如果你在​​.NET< = 3.5,则可以使用自定义类或KeyValuePair或类似):

For example (using .NET 4's Tuple - if you're in .NET <=3.5, you can use a custom class or KeyValuePair, or similar):

var req = (HttpWebRequest)iAreq;
bool iWantInToo = true;
req.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(iEndGetResponse), Tuple.Create(req, iWantInToo));

private void iEndGetResponse(IAsyncResult iA)
    Tuple<HttpWebRequest, bool> state = (Tuple<HttpWebRequest, bool>)iA.AsyncState;
    bool iWantInToo = state.Item2;

    // use values..


09-02 23:48