我是Monotouch和Monodevelop的新手.尝试开始使用NUnit时,我遇到了很多麻烦-我在网上找不到的任何粗略参考似乎都与我在UI中看到的东西相匹配(在Mac OS 10.6上为MonoDevelop 2.4).我尝试过:
I'm new to both Monotouch and Monodevelop. Trying to get started with NUnit and I'm having a lot of trouble -- none of the sketchy references I can find on line seem to match what I'm seeing in the UI (MonoDevelop 2.4 on Mac OS 10.6). I've tried:
- 在我的解决方案中添加一个"NUnit组装测试集合"项目.
- 向我的解决方案中添加一个空MonoTouch项目"项目,然后向其添加NUnit程序集,并添加我的主项目作为参考.
- 在我的解决方案中添加一个C#空项目",并添加NUnit,MonoTouch和我自己的项目作为引用.这会产生一个生成错误,抱怨'[测试项目名称] .exe'不包含适用于入口点的静态'Main'方法."
(1) produces a strange sort of project to which I can only add assemblies -- no references and certainly no tests.
(2) and (3) behave pretty much identically:
- 首先,一个构建错误抱怨没有静态的"Main"方法.我可以通过在Build-> General project options中将编译目标更改为"Library"来解决此问题.
- 接下来,当我尝试运行测试(从单元测试"选项卡中)时,它说它正在使用"Debug | iPhoneSimulator"配置运行它们.
- 测试结果"面板显示此正在运行测试"消息,而不会显示任何其他输出.
- 计数保持在测试:0失败:0忽略:0".
Clearly I'm doing something wrong here, but what am I supposed to be doing?
Just for grins, here's my test.
using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace mynamespace
public class NavItemTest
public void TestAll()
Assert.AreEqual(4, NavItem.all().Count);
In case you missed it, there is now a NUnitLite runner available for MonoTouch which is designed to work for UI agnostic code and executed on devices (or simulator).
这篇关于在MonoDevelop 2.4中使用NUnit测试Monotouch应用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!