我正在寻找一种简单且可逆的方法来混淆整数 ID.理想情况下,我希望生成的混淆长度最多为 8 个字符且不连续,这意味着1"的混淆看起来应该与2"等的混淆完全不同.
I'm looking for an easy and reversible method of obfuscating integer IDs. Ideally, I'd want the resulting obfuscation to be at most eight characters in length and non-sequential, meaning that the obfuscation of "1" should look nothing like the obfuscation for "2" and so on.
这无论如何都不是安全的,所以这不是一个大问题.此外,我将要混淆的整数并不大 - 在 1 到 10,000 之间 - 但我也不希望发生任何冲突.
This isn't meant to be secure by any means, so this isn't a huge concern. Additionally, the integers I'll be obfuscating aren't large - between one and 10,000 - but I don't want any collisions, either.
Does anybody have any ideas for something that would fit this criteria?
我从 Pearson 散列中获得了一个想法,它也适用于任意输入,而不仅仅是 32 位整数.我不知道这是否与 Greg 的回答完全相同,但我无法理解他的意思.但我所知道的是,这里的内存需求是不变的.无论输入有多大,这仍然是一个可靠的混淆/加密技巧.
I derived an idea from Pearson hashing which will work for arbitrary inputs as well, not just 32-bit integers. I don't know if this is the exact same as Greg answer, but I couldn't get at what he meant. But what I do know is that the memory requirements are constant here. No matter how big the input, this is still a reliable obfuscation/encryption trick.
For the record, this method is not hashing, and it does not have collisions. It's a perfectly sound method of obfuscating a byte string.
您需要一个秘密密钥 _encryptionTable
,它是包含范围 0..255 的随机排列.你用它来打乱字节.为了让它真的很难逆转,它使用异或来混合字节串.
What you need for this to work is a secret key _encryptionTable
which is a random permutation of the inclusive range 0..255. You use this to shuffle bytes around. To make it really hard to reverse it uses XOR to mix the byte string a bit.
public byte[] Encrypt(byte[] plaintext)
if (plaintext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("plaintext");
byte[] ciphertext = new byte[plaintext.Length];
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < plaintext.Length; i++)
c = _encryptionTable[plaintext[i] ^ c];
ciphertext[i] = (byte)c;
return ciphertext;
然后您可以使用 BitConverter 在值和字节数组之间进行转换,或者将一些转换为 base 64 或 32 以获得文本表示.如果这很重要,Base 32 编码可以是 URL 友好的.解密就像通过计算 _encryptionTable
You can then use the BitConverter to go between values and byte arrays or some convert to base 64 or 32 to get a textual representation. Base 32 encoding can be URL friendly if that's important. Decrypting is as simply as reversing the operation by computing the inverse of the _encryptionTable
public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] ciphertext)
if (ciphertext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("ciphertext");
byte[] plaintext = new byte[ciphertext.Length];
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ciphertext.Length; i++)
plaintext[i] = (byte)(_decryptionTable[ciphertext[i]] ^ c);
c = ciphertext[i];
return plaintext;
如果您正在处理一个 32 位整数并且只关心大于或等于 0 的数字,那么您还可以做其他有趣的事情,这使得猜测混淆的数字变得更加困难.
You can also do other fun things if you're working on a 32-bit integer and only care about the numbers greater than or equal to 0 which makes it harder to guess an obfuscated number.
I also use a secret word to seed a pseudo number generator and use that to setup the initial permutation. That's why I can simply get the value by knowing what secret word I used to create every thing.
var mt = new MersenneTwister(secretKey.ToUpperInvariant());
var mr = new byte[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
mr[i] = (byte)i;
var encryptionTable = mt.NextPermutation(mr);
var decryptionTable = new byte[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
decryptionTable[encryptionTable[i]] = (byte)i;
this._encryptionTable = encryptionTable;
this._decryptionTable = decryptionTable;
这有点安全,这里最大的缺陷是加密,XOR with 0,恰好是XOR的身份,并没有改变值(a ^ 0 == a
).因此,第一个加密字节表示该字节的随机位置.要解决此问题,您可以根据密钥为 c
选择一个初始值,该值不是常数,只需向 PRNG(在用种子初始化后)询问随机字节即可.这样一来,只要您无法观察到输入和输出,即使样本很大,也很难破解加密.
This is somewhat secure, the biggest flaw here is that the encryption, XOR with 0, happens to be the identity of XOR and doesn't change the value (a ^ 0 == a
). Thus the first encrypted byte represent the random position of that byte. To work around this you can pick a initial value for c
, that is not constant, based of the secret key by just asking the PRNG (after init with seed) for a random byte. That way it's immensely more difficult even with a large sample to crack the encryption as long as you can't observe input and output.
这篇关于整数 ID 混淆技术的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!